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​​Commission Meetings and Events

    How to participate

    The Alaska Commission on Aging quarterly board meetings will be accessible by videoconference and teleconference. Congregate meeting sites will be posted as information is confirmed.

    Please refer to the State Public Notice b​oard for information about and links to Commission meetings and events.

    Anyone requiring assistance, information or special devices and equipment to participate in these meetings should contact us at 907-465-3250 no later than seven working days before each meeting. 

    Minutes from Past Commission Meetings

    Note: Meeting minutes cannot be posted until they are approved by the Commission. This occurs at the meeting following the one at which minutes were taken. 

    Meeting minutes and agendas from meetings more than 25 months old can be found on the State of Alaska Libraries Archive.​

    To download minutes and agendas for the Alaska Commission on Aging's committees, please visit the ACoA Committees webpage.
