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Standing & Ad-Hoc Committees

The Chair shall designate membership from among Commission members on all standing committees required by the By-laws.

The Chair may also designate ad hoc committees or task forces to accomplish special purposes.

All Committees may include persons not members of the Commission with the exceptions of Executive and Nominating Committee members.

Committee chairs are responsible for developing their committee goals for each fiscal year and shall present their reports at each quarterly Commission meeting.

Standing Committees

  • Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee is comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, immediate past Chair, and a committee chair as designated by the ACoA Chair. The Executive Committee shall review and take action on recommendations forwarded by other committees as appropriate.
  • Planning Committee
    The Planning Committee shall include a minimum of three (3) members. The Planning Committee shall Prepare the comprehensive Alaska State Plan for Senior Services and review the its implementation efforts, plan for the periodic White House Conference on Aging and develop other plans related to the responsibilities of the Commission.
  • Legislative Advocacy Committee
    The Legislative Advocacy Committee shall include a minimum of three (3) Commission members. The Legislative Advocacy Committee shall oversee activities related to legislative advocacy as outlined in the Bylaws.
  • By-laws Committee
    The By-laws Committee, consisting of a minimum of three (3) members of the Commission, shall be appointed to review the By-laws and Policies and Procedures bi-annually and recommend revisions, as appropriate, to the full board.
  • Outstanding Older Alaskans Recognition Committee
    The Outstanding Older Alaskans’ Recognition Committee shall be represented by two (2) members. The responsibilities of this committee consist of planning and implementing activities to recognize older Alaskans.
  • Nominating Committee
    The Nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) members of the Commission as appointed by the Chair, develops and presents a slate for the election of officers at the last meeting of the fiscal year.

Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces