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​​​Moving Home Voucher Program

The program is now accepting applications for the following communities:

  • Anchorage
  • Fairbanks
  • Homer
  • Juneau
  • Kenai / Soldotna
  • Ketchikan
  • Kodiak
  • Mat-Su
  • Petersburg
  • Sitka Valdez
  • Wrangell

To be eligible for this program, a person must meet the following criteria:

  1. Meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition of a disabled family (24 CFR 5.403) or be an Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiary; AND
  2. Demonstrate qualification as low-income, defined as less than 50 percent of Area Median Income; AND
  3. Be eligible for community-based, long-term services as provided through Medicaid waivers, Medicaid state plan options, state funded services, or other appropriate services related to the target population [i.e. Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) funded Community Behavioral Health Services Provider, or Senior and Disabilities Services (SDS) funded provider]; AND
  4. Be currently homeless, be at risk of homelessness, be precariously housed, or lack the resources necessary to obtain or retain permanent housing.

Applicants must meet minimum eligibility requirements to be considered for the Moving Home Voucher Program. In addition, applicants must successfully pass AHFC screening criteria.

Applicants will be assisted by DOH-funded providers to access the program. Service providers will assist clients to complete an assessment, the client application, and sign agreements to make services available to maintain the client in housing. Please see the Provider Overview for Sponsoring Agencies for additional information (under Resources below).


Provider Overview for Sponsoring Agencies

DOH/MHVP Application Forms

AHFC Forms

For information regarding this program please contact:

Maria "Jae" Bautista, Project Assistant
Phone: 907-223-5202