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Bike-n-Walk Safely Alaska

Alaska children are walking and biking to and from school, or bus stops. Look for them. Stop for them. Help them arrive safely.

Failing to look for and stop for children puts them at great risk. In 2015, 456 child pedestrians across the nation were killed by a car. In Alaska, bicycle and pedestrian injuries are a leading cause for hospitalization for children and young adults ages 25 and younger.

To keep children safe, drivers:

  • Focus on driving. Avoid distractions — such as phone calls and text messages — that take attention away from the road.
  • Look for and stop for children walking and biking at all times of the day.
  • Slow down, especially in school zones, intersections and other places children play, walk or bike.
  • Do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


  • Role model good driving habits. Avoid all distractions that take attention away from the road.
  • Tell children walking and biking to put away devices that can distract them from traffic around them — including cellphones, tablets and headphones.
  • Put reflective stickers or materials on their clothing, backpacks, lunch boxes and more so kids can be seen in the dark or low light. Light-colored clothing does not help drivers see them.
  • Have children wear blinking lights or carry a flashlight.
  • Teach children to walk on sidewalks and use cross-walks. If there is no side walk, teach them to walk facing oncoming traffic.


  • Use sidewalks whenever possible.
  • Always wear bicycle helmets that fit.
  • Wear reflective clothing and backpacks, or add more reflective stickers.
  • Always look left-right-left before crossing any street.
  • Stay five steps away from the curb when waiting for bus.
  • Find more tips here.
Bike-n-Walk Safely Alaska Post-it Ad 

    To learn more, visit:

    Looking for reflective materials for your family? Contact our partner, the Center for Safe Alaskans.