Give Alaska’s Young Children a Healthy Start with Go NAPSACC!
Go NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) is a trusted online tool that helps early care and education (ECE) programs support children’s healthy eating and physical activity. Go NAPSACC can help ECE programs improve their menus, add more play into their daily schedules, and educate families about healthy eating and active play.
Participating Alaska ECE programs can receive:
- Access to Go NAPSACC’s easy-to-use online tools and an online library of helpful videos, activities, and parent handouts
- One-on-one coaching and technical assistance from an Alaska Go NAPSACC Consultant
- Resources to help reach your goals
Go NAPSACC Assessments and Resources
ECE programs can assess current practices and learn how to make improvements in the following areas:
- Child Nutrition
- Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding
- Farm to ECE
- Oral Health
- Infant & Child Physical Activity
- Outdoor Play & Learning
- Screen Time
Learn More!
For more information about the Physical Activity and Nutrition (PAN) unit or to join the Alaska Go NAPSACC program please email
pan@alaska.gov or call 907-334-5966.