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The Alaska Code Blue Project

The Code Blue Project was started in 1999 in an effort to identify, prioritize and seek funding for essential equipment for rural emergency medical services in Alaska. The program is coordinated by a Steering Committee comprised of a representative from each of the following agencies: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services; Interior Region EMS Council; Inc.; Southeast Region EMS Council, Inc.; Southern Region EMS Council, Inc.; Maniilaq Association EMS; Norton Sound Health Corporation EMS; Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation Injury Prevention and EMS; and the North Slope Borough EMS Program.

To date, funding for essential equipment has been provided by the:

  • State of Alaska ;
  • Denali Commission;
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Rural Development;
  • Native Health Corporations;
  • Communities; and
  • Local emergency medical services.

The program has been very successful and the efforts of the Code Blue Steering Committee, combined with the generosity of agencies providing funding, have resulted in the purchase of over 25 new ambulances, rescue vehicles, patient care equipment, training equipment, and much more.

Items are reviewed at the regional and state levels prior to inclusion in the Code Blue Database. General categories of equipment within the database include:

  • Patient Care
  • Training
  • Emergency Vehicles
  • Radio/Communications Equipment
  • Ambulances
  • Emergency Equipment
  • Communications Infrastructure

For more information, contact your Regional EMS Office.

General Policies

Extrication Equipment

It is the policy of the Code Blue Steering Committee that motor vehicle extrication is a fire service function and not a primary function of emergency medical services. Exceptions will be considered if motor vehicle extrication is not available though a fire service in the EMS service area.

Fire Suppression Equipment

It is the policy of the Code Blue Steering Committee that fire suppression is not a primary function of emergency medical services and, therefore, not a focus of the Code Blue project. Consequently, fire response and suppression equipment will not be funded under the Code Blue project.

Turnouts, Helmets and Boots

It is the policy of the Code Blue Steering Committee not to fund turnouts, helmets and boots for emergency medical services providing care in areas served by a fire department. Exceptions will be considered if motor vehicle extrication is not available though a fire service in the EMS service area.