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Community Health Center Senior Access Program (CHC-SAP)

The goal of the Community Health Center Senior Access Program (CHC-SAP) is to increase the delivery of primary care provided by Alaska’s Community Health Center (CHC) agencies to seniors (persons age 65 years & older). The funding is intended to help alleviate the CHCs’ increased workload resulting from providing primary care to seniors who have been refused care by physicians in private practice due to low Medicare reimbursement rates.

Who benefits?

This program benefits Alaskan seniors (persons age 65 years & older) who need primary healthcare services. The proposed service delivery area is statewide, as determined by the catchment areas of participating Section 330 CHCs. Only those CHCs that receive US Public Health Service, Section 330 funds from HRSA-Bureau of Primary Health Care are eligible to receive state funding from the CHC Senior Access Program.

Who is eligible for CHC-SAP funding?

In order to be eligible for funds, grantees must propose strategies to increase delivery of direct services to persons age 65 years & older, and describe the connection between their proposed activities and the increase in the delivery of direct-care services to seniors. These funds are intended to increase patient direct-services; they are not intended to increase general organizational capacity per se.

For more information, please contact:

Katie Reilly, Health Program Associate
Phone: (907) 754-3553
