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Page Content
HEC4: Food, Nutrition, and Subsistence
- Cases of nutritional disorders (scurvy, marasmus, iron deficiency, etc.)
- Cases of anemia
- Rate of obesity/overweight
- Rate of hypercholesterolemia
- Child nutrition disorders
- Diet composition (% protein, carbohydrates, etc.)
- Folic acid levels in pregnant women
- Fruit and vegetable consumption
- Sugar sweetened beverage consumption
- Wild food harvest (% participating, % consuming)
- Quantity/type subsistence resources consumed (% of diet)
- Recent changes to harvest
- Level of food security
- Food costs
Commonly used data sources
- Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Harvest Surveys
- Alaska Department of Health, Women's, Children's and Family Health Program, Data, Statistics and Publications
- Alaska Department of Health, Women's, Children's and Family Health Program, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- Alaska Health Facilities Data Reporting System
Alaska Traditional Diet Survey, 2004
- Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC WONDER
- United States Census Bureau
- University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service-Food Cost Survey