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Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan

The Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health presents the 2022-2026 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan, which responds to the integrated planning guidance issued by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and Services Administration. This document serves as a joint jurisdictional plan for the State of Alaska, which is a Ryan White Part B recipient.

A collaborative process was used to develop the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan. The process used to collect the data was developed by the HIV/STD Program Staff and the Alaska Integrated HIV Advisory Group (AIHAG). This advisory group consists of HIV/STD Program Staff, HIV care providers, HIV prevention staff, Ryan White Part B (RWPB) recipients, pharmacists, Tribal Health partners, HIV consumers, and others. HIV prevention and care in Alaska is complex and multilayered, the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan serves as a resource to guide current and future HIV prevention and care activities in Alaska.

Archive of Alaska HIV Prevention Plans

If you need any assistance with the documents listed above, please contact: the HIV/STD Program at 907-269-8000.