Alaska's Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Advisory Group (AIHAG)
About the Integrated Advisory Group
The AIHAG serves as a voice for HIV prevention and care in Alaska by engaging stakeholders in meaningful discussions about prevention and care needs, working with AIDS service organizations and medical care providers to plan HIV prevention and care activities, and identifying gaps in resources for HIV prevention and care. The AIHAG includes community members, consumers, health care providers, public health professionals and other experts. These individuals join the Advisory Group because of their interest, experience, and expertise related to HIV and AIDS prevention and care. All members are volunteers committed to the goal of effectively preventing further HIV infection throughout Alaska.
The Alaska Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Advisory Group was created in December of 2014 through the merging of the existing Alaska HIV Prevention Planning Group (HPPG) and the HIV Care Advisory Group. The new AIHAG includes consumers, providers, and other experts. All members are volunteers committed to the goal of effectively preventing further HIV infection and increasing access to HIV care services throughout Alaska.
Every state and territory in the United States which receives federal dollars for HIV prevention and care has a group similar to the AIHAG. Community planning is a required part of every governmental jurisdiction's cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) for HIV prevention and care. CDC and HRSA guidelines specify the processes involved in and products required of community planning activities.
Frequently Asked Questions about the AIHAG
What are members of the AIHAG expected to accomplish?
AIHAG members are expected to take an active role in addressing HIV prevention and care in Alaska. The AIHAG has made it a priority to increase the knowledge of HIV prevention and cate strategies in Alaskan communities and among Alaskan healthcare providers. Strategies are diverse, but may include writing and disseminating recommendations related to HIV prevention and care, hosting a table or booth on HIV prevention and care at conferences and meetings across Alaska, having an online presence promoting proven HIV prevention and risk reduction strategies, educating persons about effective HIV care strategies, and other activities related to HIV prevention and care.
Another task of the AIHAG is to develop a comprehensive HIV prevention and care plan reflecting the scientific evidence and input from the at-risk population most affected by HIV/AIDS. This Plan guides strategies for addressing HIV prevention across Alaska.
What kinds of people serve on the AIHAG?
The AIHAG's membership is representative of Alaska and Alaskans. Individual AIHAG members represent the characteristics, life experiences, and perspectives of individuals with HIV, providers of HIV prevention services, and/or areas of professional expertise necessary for planning and evaluating HIV prevention strategies and services (behavioral science, social science, epidemiology, and health planning). Members also share information with and seek information relevant to HIV prevention and care needs and resources from individuals in their communities who are potential prevention service consumers or providers and relay this information to the larger Planning Group to enrich their consideration of effective HIV prevention and care strategies for Alaska.
What kind of time commitment is required to be a AIHAG member?
The AIHAG meets once a quarter for 2-3 hours in additional to a day-long annual meeting which traditionally takes place in January. That would make the annual time commitment 4 meetings and approximately 15 total hours. Members in the Anchorage area are welcome to join the meeting in person. Teleconference or videoconference options will be available for members outside the Anchorage area.
How does someone become an AIHAG member?
Interested individuals who meet the membership criteria may submit a membership application form. There are two levels of membership for the AIHAG. The core AIHAG Board, who serve two-year terms and are responsible for guiding the AIHAG. Adjunct membership is also available for individuals interested in having a larger role in HIV prevention and care in Alaska, but who cannot currently make a multi-year commitment to the AIHAG.
Alaska HIV Prevention Plans
If you need any assistance with the documents listed above, please contact: The HIV/STD Program at 907-269-8000.
For more information, please contact:
Taylor Holsinger, MPH (she/her)
HIV Prevention Coordinator
Alaska Division of Public Health
Section of Epidemiology
Phone: 907-269-5221
Fax: 907-561-4239