Cancer Control and Prevention
Cancer Mortality Rates for Alaska, 1996 to 2020
The following are links to PDF files of cancer mortality rates for death years 1996 to 2020. The mortality data source is the Health Analytics and Vital Records Section (HAVRS), Alaska Vital Statistics. These data tables were generated by the Alaska Cancer Registry using the statistical program SEER*Stat, developed by the National Cancer Institute. Rates are age-adjusted to the U.S. 2000 standard population. Each table gives rates, 95% upper and lower confidence intervals, and number of cases for each cancer site. To help ensure the confidentiality of cancer patients, data are suppressed for a given site if there are five or less cases.
Some tips to help understand these tables:
- A rate’s confidence interval range tends to be large when the population at risk is small, for example, for a sparsely populate census area.
- Rates based on fewer than 20 counts are statistically unreliable and should be used with caution.
- Tables that do not break out sites by sex have the sex-specific sites removed from the table.
- Tables that do break out sites by sex will have comparisons of males and females. These tables will include sex-specific sites.
- Each of the three tables with borough data are over 500 pages in length and so will use a large amount of paper if the entire table is printed.
- The borough tables include five new borough/census areas for southeast Alaska. There are data for those areas starting in 2010. Three census areas were deleted in southeast Alaska. Those areas will not have any data after 2010.
Download .pdfand .csvfiles below. To request this data in an alternate format, please contact