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Metabolic Clinic

The State of Alaska Metabolic Clinic offers a specialty clinic for individuals diagnosed with metabolic genetic conditions. Individuals commonly seen in this clinic include:

  • a child with a metabolic condition diagnosed through the Newborn Bloodspot Screening Program;
  • children and adults with changes in body chemistry such as extremely high and low protein, fat or sugar levels in their blood.

The Metabolic Clinic serves people from all over Alaska and occurs three times a year in Anchorage and Fairbanks. The clinic is staffed with a program manager, office assistant, a nutritionist, and a contracted out-of-state biochemical geneticist. The biochemical geneticist is a doctor who is specially trained in the area of metabolic genetics.

Patients are referred to the clinic by their pediatrician, primary care, or family practice doctor when there is concern for a metabolic condition. Patients with a known metabolic condition who move to Alaska, can also be seen in this clinic. Referrals should be faxed to the program manager. These requests are reviewed by the biochemical geneticist, who determines if the patient should be seen in clinic. All appointments are scheduled through the program manager. The contracted out-of-state geneticist is also available by telephone to Alaska physicians in need of metabolic genetic consultation.

When a patient comes to clinic, they receive a physical examination and a family health history is taken. Patients seen by the geneticist will talk about the diagnosis or possible diagnosis; its cause, treatment, reproductive risks, and carrier testing. For patients requiring nutritional support the nutrionist assesses need and councils patients on ways to nutritionally manage their metabolic condition. After the appointment the clinical notes and recommendations are sent to the referring provider for continuity of patient care.

Upcoming Metabolic Clinic

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and winter weather making travel more challenging the Metabolic Clinic was January will be held via telehealth. Patients will be seen using a secure telehealth platform that connects patients and families with the Metabolic Specialists. It is hoped that by May 2022 we will again be able to have in person clinics in Anchorage and Fairbanks. Please check this website in the Spring of 2022 for more details.

For patients wanting more information about using telehealth to receive medical care, information is available through the videos below. Metabolic Clinic staff are also available to help if patients and families need help accessing the telehealth platform and preparing for the visit. Contact information for the clinic is listed at the bottom of this page.

Introduction to Care through Telemedicine

Part 1:

What is telemedicine?
Why would I want to use telemedicine?
Does insurance cover telemedicine?
Play the YouTube Video on Introduction to Care through Telemedicine, Part 1


Part 2:

How do I prepare for my telemedicine appointment?
What can I expect with my telemedicine appointment?
What do I need to know during my telemedicine appointment?
Play the YouTube Video on Introduction to Care through Telemedicine, Part 2

Part 3:

How do I get the most from my telemedicine appointment?
What happens after my telemedicine appointment?
Play the YouTube Video on Introduction to Care through Telemedicine, Part 3

Clinic Dates and Location 2023

  • 24 January – Anchorage
  • 25 January – Anchorage 
  • 26 January – Fairbanks 
  • 25 April - Anchorage
  • 26 April - Anchorage
  • 27 April – Fairbanks
  • 26 September - Anchorage
  • 27 September - Anchorage
  • 28 September - Fairbanks


Joanne Singleton, Program Manager
Alaska Division of Public Health
Women’s, Children’s, and Family Health
3601 C Street. Suite 322
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 907-269-3430
Fax: 907-754-3425