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Contact Information

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health
3601 C Street, Suite 358
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: 907-269-3400

Alaska Maternal and Child Health Data Books

Alaska Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Data Books provide Alaskan health care providers, public health program managers, and policy makers with detailed information on important maternal and child health status indicators. Alaska MCH Data Books are published by the MCH Epidemiology Unit.

Alaska MCH Data Books feature a comprehensive look at maternal and child health indicators for Alaska. Some years, Data Books will focus on specific MCH topics or present the findings of public health surveillance programs operated by the MCH Epidemiology Unit.

The MCH Epidemiology Unit would be pleased to present the Alaska Maternal and Child Health Data Book in a 15-minute presentation at your organization's next event. We also are available to make presentations on specialized topics in maternal and child health tailored to your agency's needs. Please contact our office to schedule a presentation.

If you use data from one of our Data Books in a publication or presentation, please tell us! Knowing which data in particular is used by readers helps to inform our decisions about indicators to include in future publications, and also can support our applications for grants that fund our surveillance activities.

Alaska MCH Data Books

Alaska MCH Data Books are accessible via the Alaska State Libraries Archives & Museums digital collections portal.