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A woman holding a newborn baby

Newborn Hearing Screening

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

Welcome to the program website for the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program, also referred to as Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.

As many as 30 babies are born in Alaska each year with hearing loss. That is why it is important to screen all newborn babies for hearing loss before they leave the hospital. If your baby can’t hear well, he/she may have problems learning to talk. If you find a hearing loss early, your child will have the best chance to learn.

Universal newborn hearing screening is a screen that will check if your baby’s hearing is normal or whether more testing is needed. The screen does not hurt, is quick and easy, and will be performed by a trained person. If your birthing facility does not offer newborn hearing screening, ask your health care provider to refer you to a place that does.

As of January 2008, Alaska law mandates universal newborn hearing screening for all Alaskan babies born in hospitals and birthing centers.