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Central Application Processing Unit

What is Central Application Processing?

The Central Application Processing (CAP) Unit works to review and process applications for Medicaid funded programs such as Home and Community Based Waiver Programs and State Plan Programs. These programs provide support for Alaskan seniors and people with disabilities. The Waiver Programs offer a choice between home and community-based services and institutional care for people who meet a nursing facility level of care (NFLOC). The State Plan Programs provide support related to an individual’s activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living. In order to access one of these programs, a person must meet 1) Medicaid eligibility requirements for income and resource limits, as found through an interview and application process with the Division of Public Assistance (DPA), and 2) undergo an assessment conducted by the Assessment Unit to determine their level of care needs.

Program Applications Reviewed and Processed by the CAP Unit

Home and Community Based Waiver Services Programs:

Alaskans Living Independently (ALI)

  • The ALI Waiver is available to adults age 21 and over who would otherwise require a level of care provided in a nursing facility.

Adults with Physical and Developmental Disabilities (APDD)

  • The APDD waiver is available to persons age 21 and over who have been determined to be Developmentally Disabled through an assessment process conducted by the SDS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Unit, but who have nursing needs that would otherwise be provided in a nursing facility.

Children with Complex Medical Conditions (CCMC)

  • CCMC waiver serves children and young adults under the age of 22 years who experience medical fragility and are often dependent on frequent life-saving treatments or interventions and/ or are dependent on medical technology. These children would otherwise require a level of care provided in an acute care hospital or a nursing facility

State Plan Programs:

Community First Choice Personal Care Services (CFC)

  • CFC is a State Plan Program for individuals who meet the same institutional level of care that makes them eligible to receive Home and Community Based Waiver Services. CFC offers participants autonomy in managing their care and allows the State to receive a higher percentage of federal financing for that care.

Personal Care Services (PCS or PCA)

  • State Plan PCS is available for individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living but who do not meet an institutional level of care, as well as those who do meet an institutional level of care but opt not to enroll in CFC.

Where do I start?

Individuals interested in applying for ALI, APDD, CCMC, or CFC programs must first contact the Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) to determine which programs they may qualify for. Alaska's ADRC connects seniors, people with disabilities, and caregivers with long-term services and supports of their choice. The ADRC network serves Alaskans statewide, regardless of age or income level, through regional sites. Learn more about ADRC

How do I apply?

Care Coordinators and PCS agencies will help you apply. A Care Coordinator is needed for Home and Community Based Waiver Programs: ALI, APDD, CCMC and CFC Programs. A PCS Agency is needed for State Plan Program: PCS and CFC with Personal Care Services. Applications are submitted through the Harmony System on your behalf by your Care Coordinator or PCS Agency.

ADRC will provide you a list of Care Coordinators in your area if it looks like you may qualify for Home and Community Based Waiver Services.

ADRC will provide you a list of PCS Agencies in your area if it looks like you may qualify for State Plan Programs. 

Other Important Links

Contact us

Note: To transfer or email any form of communication using a consumer’s name and personal information, you must use Direct Secure Messaging (DSM). To sign up for DSM please visit this website.
Once a provider is registered with DSM, we are able to utilize email to exchange protected health information(PHI). It is not HIPAA compliant to use your personal email server for the exchange of PHI using the email listed below.

Lisa LaBadie, Central Application Processing Supervisor
Phone: 907-334-2672
Fax: 907-269-3648

Sulu Falevalu, Senior Services Technician
Phone: 907-269-3612

Betty Jo Shepherd-Hebb, Senior Services Technician
Phone: 907-269-3079

Elizabeth Mulhollan, Office Assistant II
Phone: 907-269-3490

Vera James, Office Assistant II

Located at:
Senior and Disabilities Services Anchorage Office
1835 Bragaw Street, Suite 350
Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-269-3666
Fax: 907-269-3689
Toll Free: 1-800-478-9996