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Free Developmental Screening

Alaska's Infant Learning/Early Intervention Program understands the challenges and rewards of living and working with young children. Alaska's families, teachers, therapists, medical professionals, and administrators all share the goal of improved development for all children, especially those experiencing disabilities. We also recognize the vital importance of early diagnosis and getting services started, which is why we offer free developmental screening throughout the state.

Alaska's Infant Learning/Early Intervention Program utilizes the highly regarded 3rd edition of the "Ages and Stages Questionnaire" (ASQ-3) as its primary developmental screening tool. Learn more about developmental screening and the ASQ-3 through the resources on this page.

CDC: Baby Steps PSA: "Learn the Signs. Act Early."

"Developmental Screening Works" 3-Minute Video.

Success story: When Jessica's three-year-old son suddenly stopped talking, staff at the Delta First 5 Center suggested he receive developmental screening. The results changed their lives.