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Hiring People with Disabilities

Parking Requirements

Total in
Parking Lot

Required Minimum Numberof Accessible Spaces

1 to 25


26 to 50


51 to 75


76 to 100


101 to 150


151 to 200


201 to 300


301 to 400


401 to 500


501 to 1000

2 percent of total

When parking is provided for the public, designated accessible parking spaces must be provided, if doing so is readily achievable.

Must accessible spaces be provided in each lot or on each level of parking garages?
Accessible spaces can be provided in other lots or locations, or, in the case of parking garages, on one level only when equal or greater access is provided in terms of proximity to an accessible entrance, cost, and convenience. For example, accessible spaces required for outlying parking lots may be located in a parking lot closer to an accessible entrance. The minimum number of spaces must still be determined separately for each lot even if the spaces are to be provided in other lots or locations. Accessible spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking garage in order to achieve greater access. However, where parking levels serve different building entrances, accessible spaces should be dispersed so that convenient access is provided to each entrance.

4.1.2 Accessible Sites and Exterior Facilities: New Construction.
(5) (a) If parking spaces are provided for self-parking by employees or visitors, or both, then accessible spaces complying with 4.6 shall be provided in each such parking area in conformance with the table below. Spaces required by the table need not be provided in the particular lot.  They may be provided in a different location if equivalent or greater accessibility, in terms of distance from an accessible entrance, cost and convenience is ensured.

Provided by:
US Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board), 1331 F St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20004 TEL: (800)USA-ABLE (202)272-5434 TTY: (202)272-5449_

Landlord and tenant - Allocation of responsibility for complying with Title III of the ADA
Both the landlord who owns the building where a public accommodation is located and the tenant who owns or operates the public accommodation are responsible for compliance with Title III. It is a shared responsibility. They may allocate between themselves the responsibility for meeting their mutual obligations however they wish.

Allocation of responsibilities between landlord and tenant for removing barriers when readily achievable, providing auxiliary aids and services, and modifying policies, both in common areas as well as within places of public accommodation, may be determined by the lease or other contract between the parties. Alterations clauses in a lease often spell out what a tenant is allowed to do within leased space, while compliance clauses allocate responsibility to one party or another for compliance with federal, state, and local laws.

Tenants are advised to review ADA obligations with their landlords. Tenants who are entering into new leases should negotiate and allocate responsibility for ADA compliance with their landlord. Failure to determine, allocate, and execute ADA responsibility may result in either the tenant's or landlord's liability for noncompliance.

Better Business Bureau’s “Access Equals Opportunity”