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State of Alaska Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Program

The Alaska Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Program works with community, state, and national partners to prevent the harms of prenatal alcohol exposure.
Since FASD was identified in the 1970s, Alaskans have been involved in efforts to identify and serve people affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Since then Alaska advocates, including parents, medical professionals, teachers, justice professionals, policymakers, and others have been working together to address its impacts.
In 2017, the State of Alaska moved the FASD Diagnostic Team Coordinator from the Division of Behavioral Health to the Division of Public Health and established a Comprehensive FASD Program which includes the following activities:

Legal is Not Safe brochure thumbnail 

Outreach: Education, Training, Technical Assistance

  • Provide education on FASD through materials, outreach and community engagements. The program uses networks, collaboration, coalitions, and global awareness campaigns to educate about FASD.
  • Work with FASD community stakeholders work to create trainings that make a difference. In 2019 the FASD Training in Alaska: Where we've been and where we need to go report outlined FASD training activities in Alaska, a survey of community stakeholders and FASD trainers, a framework for the development of future trainings, and related recommendations for the FASD program. The program has since expanded its training offerings. Trainings include a collaboration with the University of Alaska, a program which delivers Examining FASD Diagnosis ECHO — an online community of practice and on-demand training reaching over 500 unique participants. Additionally, a State learning management system offers continuing education units.
  • Moment to Moment Juneau flyer 
  • When requested the program also offers technical assistance to entities, as well as individuals and families. Coordination with education, healthcare, justice-related and other system partners improves FASD supports and increase awareness of prenatal alcohol exposure and ongoing effects.

Services: Screening, Diagnoses, Systems Support

  • Manage the multi-interdisciplinary community based FASD Diagnostic Teams and the Statewide FASD Diagnostic Team Coordinator Network in Alaska.
  • Help with navigating systems, work towards systems change to identify and reduce gaps and barriers in services.
  • Support individuals across the lifespan, including the transition into Adulthood.

Program contact:

Genevieve Casey​
Alaska FASD Program Manager

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A caregiver takes the BRAIN-online FASD Screening Tool with a little girl on her lap

BRAIN-online FASD Screening Tool

BRAIN-online is a new
web-based screening tool that assesses cognitive and behavioral features known to be associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). If you think that you or someone you care for may have FASD, BRAIN-online can act as the first step in connecting to a diagnosis.Take The Test 

Photo of FASD community stakeholders working together. Photo of people working together
FASD Community stakeholders work together to help create training that makes a difference.