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1915(i) & 1915(k) Options
SB 74 authorized the department to apply for 1915(i) and 1915(k) home and community based state plan service options. A subsequent in-depth analysis by the consulting firm Health Management Associates (HMA) determined that adding new HCBS services under the 1915(i) option would not be cost effective for Alaska. In lieu of that approach, and based on HMA recommendations, the department chose to create a new waiver for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities under existing 1915(c) authority. Also based on HMA recommendations, and with input from stakeholders (the Inclusive Community Choices Council), the department developed and implemented the 1915(k) state plan option. Also known as Community First Choice (CFC), the 1915(k) option provides enhanced personal care services for individuals who meet nursing facility-level of care criteria. Federal funding reimbursement is also six percentage points higher for these services than for regular personal care services, resulting in additional savings of state general fund dollars.
During FY 2018 the department crafted the regulations, analyzed the changes necessary for payment systems and internal operations, and developed the related waiver application and state plan amendment for federal approval. Federal approval of both the 1915(k) state plan option and the new 1915(c) Individualized Supports Waiver was granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in June 2018, and the corresponding state regulations for these new programs became effective October 1, 2018.
See the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services web site for more information.
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Updated 12/04/18