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Coordinated Care Demo Projects

AS 47.07.039, established by SB 74 (2016), requires the Department to contract with one or more third parties to implement one or more coordinated care demonstration projects for Medicaid recipients. The purpose of the demonstration projects is to assess the efficacy of proposed health care delivery models with respect to cost for, access to, and quality of care for Medicaid recipients. The department
was required to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for demonstration projects by December 31, 2016

More information on the Coordinated Care Demonstration Project initiative is available in the Background section of the Request
for Proposals (see links below).

Notice of intent to Award Coordinated Care Demonstration Projects

Milliman Alaska Medicaid Data Book

Request for Proposals

NOTE: The official procurement site for vendors for RFP 06 170007291 7 may be accessed at:

Request for Information

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Updated 06/04/18
