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Primary Care Initiative
(PCCM & 1945 HHs)
SB 74 directed the department to establish a primary care case management system and enroll Medicaid recipients with multiple hospitalizations. SB 74 also authorized the department to implement the Section 1945 Health Homes state plan optional service. The department described in SB 74 fiscal notes that these initiatives would be delayed to allow the Coordinated Care Demonstration Project time to test new care and payment models, but as an interim strategy would expand the Alaska Medicaid Coordinated Care Initiative.
The Alaska Medicaid Coordinated Care Initiative (AMCCI), also known as the “Super-Utilizer” initiative, was launched in December 2014 to enhance care coordination for Medicaid recipients with excessive hospital emergency department (ED) utilization. Enrollees are provided individualized case management services including care coordination and referrals to specialists and social service supports. The initiative was subsequently expanded to include recipients who over-utilize other medical services.
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Updated 12/04/18