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Meeting in a Box:  

A Tool Kit for hosting a meeting to gather stakeholder feedback on the Alaska Medicaid Redesign and Expansion Technical Assistance Project


Meeting in a Box, individual documents

  1. Publicity + Meeting Announcement Text (.doc)
  2. Pre-Workshop Checklist (.pdf)
  3. Sign-in Sheet (.doc)
  4. Agenda (.doc)
  5. Facilitator’s Guide (.pdf)
  6. Presentation (.ppt)
  7. Handouts

    a.       Approaches to Coordinated Care and Value-based Purchasing (.pdf)

    b.      Table of Abbreviations (.pdf)

  8. Matrices for Recording Stakeholder Input

    a.       Option 1:  Short Format (.doc)

    b.       Option 2:  Long Format (.doc)

    c.       Option 3:  Population-Specific Format (.doc)

  9. Comment Cards (.pdf)