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2019 Novel Coronavirus Medicaid News Archive

COVID-19: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, State of Alaska
DHSS is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus. Learn more about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please check back frequently for new information and important updates.

COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

May 2, 2023

    COVID-19 Flexibilities Terminated Effective May 11, 2023
    On February 11, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that the COVID-19 public health emergency; as a result, all COVID-19 flexibilities that remained active at that time were terminated effective May 11, 2023. For more information, visit:

January 13, 2023

    Public Health Emergency Renewal
    On January 11, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra renewed the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) for 90 days. All existing flexibilities will remain in place through the remainder of the PHE, unless otherwise announced.

December 27, 2022

    Required Reporting of All SNF Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s skilled nursing facilities (SNF). The Department of Health (DOH) has updated the central reporting process for COVID-19 cases; this form is also used to report influenza cases. SNFs are required to report all positive staff and resident cases. This is a state-only reporting requirement and does NOT satisfy or supplant the reporting requirements of the federally mandated National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) reporting system.

    Visit Influenza and SARS-CoV Outbreak Report Form for Skilled Nursing Facilities for reporting instructions. Contact to for questions regarding these forms.

October 14, 2022

June 8, 2022

    COVID-19 Announcement from the Commissioner
    Commissioner Adam Crum recently announced the end of the state public health COVID-19 emergency order effective July 1, 2022. Medicaid is not impacted by this decision. Medicaid COVID-19 flexibilities and waivers are based on the federal COVID-19 public health emergency, and will remain in effect until the federal public health emergency is terminated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

April 27, 2022

    Required Reporting of All SNF Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results
    (This update was superseded by the December 27, 2022 update)
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s skilled nursing facilities (SNF), a.k.a. long term care facilities, DHSS has updated the central reporting process for COVID-19 cases. SNFs are required to report all positive staff and resident cases. This is a state-only reporting requirement and does NOT satisfy or supplant the reporting requirements of the federally mandated National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) reporting system.

    Visit How to Report an Outbreak in a SNF for reporting instructions. Contact for questions regarding these forms.

April 21, 2022

February 4, 2022

    Required Reporting of All SNF Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results
    (This update was superseded by the February 4, 2022 update)
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s skilled nursing facilities (SNF), a.k.a. long term care facilities, DHSS has updated the central reporting process for COVID-19 cases. SNFs are required to report all positive staff and resident cases. This is a state-only reporting requirement and does NOT satisfy or supplant the reporting requirements of the federally mandated National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) reporting system.

    Visit How to Report an Outbreak in a SNF for reporting instructions. Contact for questions regarding these forms.

January 20, 2022

    Update: Implementation of Vaccine Requirements in Alaska
    The State of Alaska is still reviewing the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court staying the enforcement of two preliminary injunctions that has stopped the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from implementing and enforcing, effective January 13, 2022, its vaccine requirement for certain facilities and providers who receive CMS funds. CMS issued guidance on the timeline for enforcement and attachments for facilities and providers in the 25 states, including Alaska, that were not subject to the compliance phases published on December 28, 2021. In the interim, we recommend you seek advice from your own legal counsel, as the State of Alaska cannot provide any definitive legal advice for providers.

December 3, 2021

    Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Update
    CMS has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of this rule pending future developments in the litigation. Accordingly, while these preliminary injunctions are in effect, surveyors must not survey providers for compliance with the requirements of the Interim Final Rule. Details are available in the December 2, 2021 CMS memo #QSO-22-04-ALL.

November 29, 2021

    CMS Vaccine Mandate: Preliminary Injunction Ordered
    The CMS Vaccine Mandate has had a preliminary injunction ordered. The injunction is not nationwide, but it does apply to Alaska.
    “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Defendants are preliminarily enjoined from the implementation and enforcement of 86 Fed. Reg. 61,555 (Nov. 5, 2021), the Interim Final Rule with Comment Period entitled “Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination,” against any and all Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers and suppliers within the States of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming pending a trial on the merits of this action or until further order of this Court. Defendants shall immediately cease all implementation or enforcement of the Interim Final Rule with Comment Period as to any Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers and suppliers within the States of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.”

October 27, 2021

    Reporting of All SNF Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results Now Required
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s skilled nursing facilities (SNF), a.k.a. long term care facilities, DHSS has created a central reporting process for COVID-19 cases. SNFs are now required to report all positive staff and resident cases. Visit How to Report an Outbreak in a Skilled Nursing Facility for instructions and a link to the reporting form. Contact for questions regarding these forms. NOTE: This is a state requirement for reporting and does NOT satisfy the reporting requirements of the federally mandated National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) reporting system.

September 24, 2021

    Hospital and LTC Alternate Care Sites/Additional Beds Due to Increased COVID-19 Case Counts
    Effective September 24, 2021, hospitals and long term care (skilled nursing facilities/nursing homes) facilities may apply to temporarily increase bed numbers or provide care and services at alternate care sites. This process applies to both tribal and non-tribal facilities as an emergency action to maintain an accurate record of available beds, statewide.

    License applications must be submitted to Matthew Thomas, Health Care Facilities Licensing & Certification (HFL&C) at Please allow 3-5 business days for processing and review. HFL&C will evaluate applications in the order received and will notify the facility of the application decision by email. If you need this material in an alternate format, please email Matthew Thomas for additional options.

September 17, 2021

July 28, 2021

    State COVID-19 Disaster Declaration Flexibilities Phase-Out

    OP Dialysis, Vision, and Direct-Entry Midwife Services Telehealth Flexibilities Expire

    Effective November 1, 2021, outpatient dialysis/end-stage renal disease, direct-entry midwife, and vision providers may no longer render services via telehealth; all services must be conducted in-person. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Telehealth Flexibilities Expire.

    Contemporaneous Documentation Flexibilities Expire

    Effective August 15, 2021, providers must resume new medical record documentation within 14 days of the date of service. Effective November 1, 2021, providers must complete all medical record documentation that was postponed during the state COVID-19 disaster declaration. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Contemporaneous Documentation Flexibilities Expire.

    Home Health Documentation Flexibilities Expire

    Effective August 1, 2021, home health providers must resume new clinical progress notes documentation. Effective November 1, 2021, home health providers must complete all documentation that was postponed during the state COVID-19 disaster declaration For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Home Health Documentation Flexibilities Expire.

    Hospice Documentation Flexibilities Expire

    Effective August 1, 2021, hospice providers must resume new clinical progress notes documentation. Effective November 1, 2021, hospice providers must complete all documentation that was postponed during the state COVID-19 disaster declaration For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Hospice Documentation Flexibilities Expire.

    Behavioral Health Flexibilities Expire

    Effective November 1, 2021, behavioral health withdrawal management services and telephone consultation/coordination flexibilities expire. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Behavioral Health Flexibilities Expire.


    Health Facilities Licensing and Certification Section

    Free-Standing Birth Center CPR and NRP Flexibilities Expire

    Effective December 1, 2021, CPR and neonatal resuscitation provider (NRP) training requirements resume for free-standing birth centers. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: FSBC CPR and NRP Flexibilities Expire.

    Hospice CPR Flexibilities Expire

    Effective December 1, 2021, CPR training requirements resume for hospice providers. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Hospice CPR Flexibilities Expire.

    Home Health Documentation Flexibilities Expire

    Effective August 1, 2021, home health providers must resume new clinical progress notes documentation. Effective November 1, 2021, home health providers must complete all documentation that was postponed during the state COVID-19 disaster declaration For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Home Health Documentation Flexibilities Expire.

    Hospice Documentation Flexibilities Expire

    Effective August 1, 2021, hospice providers must resume new clinical progress notes documentation. Effective November 1, 2021, hospice providers must complete all documentation that was postponed during the state COVID-19 disaster declaration For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Hospice Documentation Flexibilities Expire.

    Free-Standing Birth Center Provisional Licensure Inspections Resume

    Effective November 1, 2021, Onsite provisional licensure inspections of free-standing birth centers will resume. No action is required of birthing centers because of this change. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: FSBC Provisional Licensure Inspections Resume.

    Clinical Laboratory On-Site Visit Flexibilities Expire

    Effective November 1, 2021, clinical laboratories must resume onsite supervisor visits. For details, visit Post-DD Phase-Out: Clinical Laboratory Onsite Visit Flexibilities Expire.


June 15, 2021

May 7, 2021

April 28, 2021

April 21, 2021

April 16, 2021

    COVID-19 Vaccinations: Patient Rights and Provider Responsibilities
    In response to concerns of individuals inappropriately being sent bills for COVID-19 vaccine fees and access barriers some immigrants are facing regarding documentation requests prior to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, HRSA developed fact sheets regarding access to COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19 vaccines are free to all individuals living in the United States.

March 30, 2021

March 10, 2021

March 3, 2021

    COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1c Open March 3, 2021
    The Alaska Vaccine Task Force has significantly  expanded the criteria  for who is eligible to receive state-allocated COVID-19 vaccine. The newly eligible group includes all persons aged 55–64, and persons aged 16 and older who are essential workers, are or may be high risk for severe COVID-19 illness, live in a multigenerational household, or who live in unserved communities. For details, read the 03/03/2021 DHSS press release.

February 25, 2021

    Timing of Flexibilities for Delivery of Long Term Services and Supports During COVID
    The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has advised states that they can submit new Appendix K requests to extend previously approved Appendix K content until six months after the federal public health emergency has ended, in order to plan for an orderly transition back to pre-COVID operations.  Alaska has submitted this Appendix K request; it is now pending approval by CMS.   

    SDS expressed confidence that the Appendix K submission will be approved. If so, Appendix K flexibilities would end in mid-October, six months after the current federal PHE end date of April 21. In the unlikely event it is not approved, SDS flexibilities will end on April 21, the end of the federal public health emergency.

    SDS will provide progress updates via future SDS E-Alerts. Until then, please refer to SDS’ FAQs on Timing of Flexibilities for Delivery of Long-Term Services and Supports During COVID.

    Vaccine Providers Prepare for March COVID-19 Shipments; Further Eligibility Clarifications Announced to Include More Alaskans
    The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) announced on 02/24/2021 that Alaska will receive 60,760 first doses of state-allocated COVID-19 vaccine for the month of March. Additionally, 32,720 first doses have been allocated to the federal Indian Health Service (IHS). DHSS also announced three clarifications regarding who is currently eligible to receive the vaccine. State-allocated vaccine is now open to Phase 1a through Phase 1b, Tier 2. For more information, visit the 02/24/2021 DHSS press release.

February 18, 2021

    State of Alaska’s Declaration of Public Health Disaster Emergency Expired 02/14/2021
    As of February 14, 2021, the State of Alaska’s Declaration of Public Health Disaster Emergency (DD), which was in place to manage its response to COVID-19, expired. While certain authorities under the DD have expired, the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) is making every effort to minimize potential disruption to interactions between Alaskans and DHSS as we transition out of the DD.

    Accordingly, until further instructed by the Governor or the Alaska Legislature:
    1. DHSS will continue to operate its COVID-19 response under the same guidance and direction that had previously been provided, which includes all prior waived or suspended statutes and regulations.
    2. DHSS will continue to manage its Medicaid program under the federal authorities outlined in the federal blanket waivers, the 1135 Waiver, and the Appendix K approvals, since those authorities are tied to the federal public health emergency and are not dependent on a state declaration.
    3. DHSS will continue to work with our federal partners to ensure a smooth transition for vaccinations, therapeutics, and other critical services that DHSS had been managing under the Declaration.
    4. All mitigation efforts for the health and safety of state employees will remain in effect. 
    The end of this disaster declaration does not mean the virus is gone and we can stop taking measures to keep ourselves and others healthy and safe. DHSS’ primary concern remains the health and safety of all Alaskans, and we will continue to consider that paramount concern in our decisions as we navigate the next phase of the state’s response to COVID-19.

February 16, 2021

    DHSS Conducting Outreach to Offer Assistance with COVID Vaccinations
    Beginning Wednesday, February 17, 2021, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will begin calling Alaskans who are eligible for vaccination against COVID-19 to ask if assistance is needed. Calls will originate from 907-290-7933 or 907-646-3322, and callers will identify themselves as representatives of DHSS. Calls offering assistance with COVID vaccinations that are from any other phone numbers may be fraudulent. Questions about vaccine eligibility or making an appointment? Call DHSS at 907-646-3322.

February 10, 2021

February 4, 2021

    Reporting of All SNF Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results Now Required
    (This update was superseded by the February 4, 2022 update)
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s skilled nursing facilities (SNF), a.k.a. long term care facilities, DHSS has created a central reporting process for COVID-19 cases. SNFs are now required to report all positive staff and resident cases. Visit How to Report an Outbreak in a Skilled Nursing Facility for instructions and a link to the reporting form. Contact for questions regarding these forms. NOTE: This is a state requirement for reporting and does NOT satisfy the reporting requirements of the federally mandated National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) reporting system.

    Reporting of All Residential Congregate Setting Staff and Resident COVID-19 Positive Test Results Now Required
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s residential congregate settings, DHSS has created a central reporting process for COVID-19 cases. Residential congregate settings are now required to report all positive staff and resident cases. Visit How to Report an Outbreak in a Residential Congregate Setting for instructions and the reporting form. Contact for questions regarding completion of this form.

January 31, 2021

    Request to Alaska Medical Providers: COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach to Alaskans Age 65 and Older
    Dear Alaska Medical Providers,

    We're counting on every Alaskan to help us reach seniors age 65 and above to let them know they can make a COVID-19 vaccine appointment. Vaccine supply is limited and they will want to make appointments soon. Those able to get vaccine under the state's allocation are those age 65 and above (Phase 1b, Tier 1) and health care workers who were previously eligible (Phase 1a).
    Whether or not you are a vaccine provider, you can help us ensure no Alaskans are missed as we move through our phased allocation process. As a trusted health professional, you are in a unique position to connect with your patients who are eligible for the vaccine and to offer help if needed. Please let your patients age 65 and above know that COVID-19 vaccine appointments are now available to them.

    To find a COVID-19 vaccine provider or confirm eligibility, Alaskans may visit or call 907-646-3322. The call line is now staffed Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on weekends.

    Information for Alaskans age 65+:
    For conversations about who is eligible now, this might be useful:
    • Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility (outdated)
    Thank you for your partnership and assistance in making sure the vaccine is offered to all Alaskans 65+ and that they have the assistance they need. Please call or email us if you have any questions.

    Alaska's COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force

January 27, 2021

    Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Beginning Thursday January 28, 2021
    The Department of Health and Social Services is pleased announce that additional vaccine appointments will be available on and after 01/28/2021 for Alaskans who are: 
    • Age 65 and older
    • Health care workers
    • Long-term care residents and staff
    Appointments will be scheduled by vaccine providers throughout the day on Thursday, with the bulk of appointments added around noon. Appointments will go quickly as vaccine supply remains limited, but more appointments will be added on an ongoing basis. To locate a COVID-19 vaccine provider visit or call 907-646-3322.

January 26, 2021

January 15, 2021

January 13, 2021

    Fairbanks North Star Borough Community Partners, Alaska DHSS Announce COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Carlson Center
    Fairbanks North Star Borough community partners and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services will conduct COVID-19 vaccination clinics at the Carlson Center, 2010 2nd Avenue, Fairbanks from 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. on Fri. January 15 and Sat. January 16. Vaccines will be available to Alaskans 65 and older, health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff, and EMS who meet certain criteria and are eligible for the vaccine (Phase 1a and Phase 1b, Tier 1) only.
    Appointments are required; walk-in vaccinations are not available. Vaccine supply remains limited. If more vaccine becomes available, this POD may be open on future dates. For more information, visit DHSS COVID-19 Vaccine Status Update or leave a message at 907-646-3322 for a return phone call.

    Health care providers can help distribute vaccines by signing up to become a COVID-19 Vaccine provider.

January 12, 2021

January 11, 2021

    Mat-Su Borough, Alaska DHSS Announce COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Alaska State Fairgrounds
    Alaskans age 65 and older and health care workers can receive vaccinations starting 01/12/2021. Scheduling for those appointments begins 01/11/2021. Visit Alaska DHSS’s January 8, 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Press Release for more information.

January 8, 2021

    Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska DHSS Announce COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Alaska Airlines Center
    The Municipality of Anchorage Health Department Emergency Operations Center and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services will conduct mass COVID-19 vaccination clinics at the Alaska Airlines Center, 3550 Providence Drive from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on Saturday January 9, Sunday January 10, and Tuesday January 12. Vaccines will be available to Alaskans 65 and older, health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff, and EMS who meet certain criteria and are eligible for the vaccine (Phase 1a and Phase 1b, Tier 1) only.

    Appointments are required; walk-in vaccinations are not available. Vaccine supply remains limited. If more vaccine becomes available, this POD may be open on future dates.

    For more information, visit DHSS COVID-19 Vaccine Status Update or leave a message at 907-646-3322 for a return phone call. For additional Anchorage resources on testing, vaccines, and other COVID-19 information, visit Municipality of Anchorage Coronavirus Response or call 2-1-1.

    Health care providers can help distribute vaccines by signing up to become a COVID-19 Vaccine provider.

January 6, 2021

January 5, 2021

    Office of the Governor to Host Virtual Town Hall Meeting Today (01/05/2021) at 5:00pm
    The Office of the Governor will host a Virtual Town Hall Meeting providing Alaskans the opportunity to ask questions of their government officials. Governor Mike Dunleavy, Commissioner Adam Crum, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, and Alaska Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink will talk with Alaskans about the Governor’s FY22 budget plan to stabilize Alaska’s economy and the State’s vaccine distribution efforts.

    WHEN: Today, January 5, 2021 at 5:00pm
    WHERE: and

    To submit a question:

    COVID–19 Vaccine Information Zoom Meeting Wednesday, January 13, 2020, 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. 
    Please join the Alaska Commission of Aging, Division of Public Health, and the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services for a presentation and discussion regarding the distribution plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine and how this will impact seniors and senior programming. This meeting will assist non-residential programs with the development and/or modification of policies and procedures to allow safe social interaction in areas such as transportation, congregate dining, and fitness.

    Guest Speakers:
    • Chief Medical Officer Dr. Zink, MD, FACEP
    • John Lee, Director Senior and Disability Services
    • Dr. Cynthia Joe, MD Veterans Administration
    • Licha Kelly-King, Executive Director, Rendezvous Adult Day
    • Pamela Kelley, Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska
    Connect to Zoom meeting:

    Call in Teleconference information: 346-248-7799, 669-900-6833, or 253-215-8782
    Meeting ID: 967 280 6987 Passcode: 907

    If you have questions or require assistance, information, or special devices and equipment, contact Alaska Commission on Aging at 907-957-0892 or email  

January 4, 2021

    COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Begins for Alaskans 65 and Older
    Alaskans age 65 and older can receive vaccinations starting 01/11/2021. Scheduling for those appointments begins 01/06/2021. Visit Alaska DHSS’s January 4, 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Press Release for more information. 

    Letter from Dr. Anne Zink to Alaska Seniors: COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Begins for Alaskans 65 and Older

January 1, 2021

    Older Alaskans and Front-Line Essential Workers Among Those Next in Line for COVID-19 Vaccine
    In January, Alaska will receive another 52,900 doses of COVID-19 vaccine for use in Phase 1b. Vaccine distribution continues across the state through a phased allocation plan, with Alaskans in Phase 1a, Tiers 1 and 2 already receiving their first dose of the vaccine. Visit Alaska DHSS’s December 31, 2020 COVID-19 Vaccine Press Release for more information.

December 29, 2020

    Invitation to Enroll in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program
    As COVID-19 vaccines become increasingly available, the Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force invites additional health care providers to consider enrolling in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Those enrolled in the program will order COVID-19 vaccine through the Alaska Immunization Program and administer vaccines according to the Alaska Vaccine Allocation Advisory Committee guidelines. For more information, visit Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Healthcare Workers. Questions? Contact

December 24, 2020

December 15, 2020

    DSP Hire Assists Providers with filling Vacant Positions
    Organizations and agencies that hire direct support professionals can now post available jobs at DSP Hire. The resource is available at no cost to providers and applicants. Questions? Contact

December 14, 2020

December 1, 2020

    Reminder: CDC Training for Nursing Facility Management and Staff
    As part of continued efforts to ensure the safety of residents and staff of Alaska’s SNFs, DHSS is reminding administrators to ensure that all management and staff, both clinical and non-clinical, complete CMS COVID Training. Developed in consultation with the CDC and released on 08/25/2020, this free training is divided into modules that include topics such as infection control, screening and surveillance, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, disinfection of the facility, cohorting, and caring for individuals with dementia during a pandemic. Please visit CMS COVID Training to create an account and complete this important training.

November 30, 2020

    Dr. Jay Butler to Address Alaska Healthcare Stakeholders about COVID-19 Vaccine
    On 12/02/2020 at 7:00 a.m., AKST, Dr. Jay Butler, former DHSS Commissioner and Chief Medical Officer and now the Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases at the CDC, will provide an update on COVID-19 vaccine development, distribution, and clinical use. This one-hour webinar is intended for Alaska’s medical providers and healthcare stakeholders, especially providers of congregate residential care and services. Register today, as space is limited.

November 24, 2020

    DEADLINE EXTENDED: DHSS CARES Act Funding to Support Residential Congregate Care Facilities
    The deadline for residential congregate care facilities to apply for CARES Act funding and submit a signed attestation has been extended to 5:00 p.m., December 11, 2020. See the original (November 7, 2020) announcement for more information. Questions? Contact Jana Atonio at 907-782-5267 or 907-269-7380.

    COVID Vaccination Planning for Staff of Long-Term Care Services Providers
    Alaska is preparing for the first COVID-19 vaccine shipments to arrive by the end of 2020. Because long-term care facility staff may be recommended for early vaccination, particularly in facilities serving seniors, it is important that you and your staff are prepared and have a plan in place.

    As of November 4, 2020, four vaccines had begun the last of three stages of clinical trials in the U.S. to test safety and effectiveness. After the FDA approves a vaccine, based on based on the results of clinical trials, the CDC will recommend which populations should receive the vaccine first. These recommendations are guided by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

    Because long-term care facility staff may be recommended to receive the vaccine first, the State of Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force is asking staff in these facilities to be prepared to receive the vaccine once it arrives in Alaska.
    • There is no State of Alaska requirement for anyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; staff can decide whether they want to receive it.
    • The initial vaccination locations will be select pharmacies and Community Health Centers.
    • Once vaccines are available, you will be sent a calendar of dates, times and locations where the vaccination will be available.
    • You must pre-register and schedule an appointment; vaccines will not be available on a walk-in basis.
    • Depending on the vaccine, two appointments may be required – one for the 1st dose and one for the 2nd dose three or four weeks later.
    When more details are available, you will receive information about registration and vaccination via RA message. Visit DHSS COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Alaska Medicaid Health Enterprise for the latest updates.

November 20, 2020

    New Report on Characteristics of COVID-19 in Assisted Living Facilities
    On 11/20/2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report on the characteristics of COVID-19 infection in Assisted Living Facilities across 39 states. The serves as a reminder of the importance of continued vigilance to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 disease in facilities. Providers of congregate residential services are encouraged to read and follow the guidance contained in this report.

    Questions? Contact

    COVID Vaccination Planning for Staff of Long-Term Care Services Providers
    Alaska is preparing for the first COVID-19 vaccine shipments to arrive by the end of 2020. Because long-term care facility staff may be recommended for early vaccination, particularly in facilities serving seniors, it is important that you and your staff are prepared and have a plan in place.

    As of November 4, 2020, four vaccines had begun the last of three stages of clinical trials in the U.S. to test safety and effectiveness. After the FDA approves a vaccine, based on based on the results of clinical trials, the CDC will recommend which populations should receive the vaccine first. These recommendations are guided by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

    Because long-term care facility staff may be recommended to receive the vaccine first, the State of Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force is asking staff in these facilities to be prepared to receive the vaccine once it arrives in Alaska.
    • There is no State of Alaska requirement for anyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; staff can decide whether they want to receive it.
    • The initial vaccination locations will be select pharmacies and Community Health Centers.
    • Once vaccines are available, you will be sent a calendar of dates, times and locations where the vaccination will be available.
    • You must pre-register and schedule an appointment; vaccines will not be available on a walk-in basis.
    • Depending on the vaccine, two appointments may be required – one for the 1st dose and one for the 2nd dose three or four weeks later.
    When more details are available, you will receive information about registration and vaccination via RA message. Visit DHSS COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Alaska Medicaid Health Enterprise for the latest updates.

November 17, 2020

    New Emergency Declaration and Suspended Regulations
    A new disaster declaration and public health emergency is in effect through 12/15/2020, new health orders are effective 11/16/2020, and an updated Order of Suspension of state regulations was issued 11/15/2020. This new order includes new regulation suspensions, in addition to all that were previously suspended.

November 7, 2020

    DHSS Distributing CARES Act Funding to Support Residential Congregate Care Facilities
    On 11/06/2020, the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) issued a press release announcing the upcoming distribution of approximately $4 million in CARES Act funds to residential congregate care facilities to help address additional expenses incurred as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Assisted living homes, skilled nursing facilities and other residential congregate facilities approved by DHSS will be eligible to receive a one-time flat rate payment to help offset expenses related to COVID-19.

    To receive funds, providers must submit a signed attestation agreeing to use funds for approved purposes only. The attestation must be emailed to no later than 5:00 p.m., November 20, 2020.

    Questions? Contact Jana Atonio at 907-782-5267 or 907-269-7380.

October 23, 2020

    HHS/DOD Announce Public-Private Partnership for Providing COVID Vaccines To LTC Settings
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense announced agreements with CVS and Walgreens to provide and administer COVID-19 vaccines to residents of long-term care facilities nationwide, with no out-of-pocket costs.

October 21, 2020

    New Website to Help Address Health Care Workforce Shortages and Improve Care
    The Alaska Division of Senior and Disabilities Services, ADvancing States and Centene Corporation, in a unique public-private partnership, have developed and launched ConnectToCareJobs, a website designed to help address health care workforce shortages during the COVID-19 public health emergency and beyond. ConnectToCareJobs links residential facilities (e.g. skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities) that need employees with health care professionals who need jobs. The initial launch is focused on residential care facilities, however the site may be expanded  to include hospitals and home care agencies in subsequent phases.

October 16, 2020

    Governor Issues Updated Interstate and International Travel Guidance
    On 10/15/2020, Governor Dunleavy issued updated guidance on COVID-19 Health Mandate 10 on Interstate and International Travel. Changes to Mandate 10 include new testing recommendations and quarantine/social distancing requirements. Please share this information with your patients who must travel out-of-state for medical services. Visit for the latest information on Alaska’s response to COVID-19. Questions regarding DHSS COVID-19 response, including mandates and alerts? Email

October 14, 2020

    Immediate Assistance Needed

    HSS Residential Licensing and SDS are working with an assisting an assisted living home in Anchorage that has five residents, three of which are COVID-positive and the other two have tested negative, but need to quarantine. The home unable to fully staff this home and residents are at risk of being placed in the hospital if caregivers are not found to keep them safely in their own home.

    If your agency has staff willing to assist this home to provide temporary care for 7 to 10 days, or you have community placement options available for these individuals, please contact Craig Baxter with Residential Licensing at 907-632-3348 as soon as possible.

    As more of our assisted living homes experience positive cases it will be essential to come together as a community and work on solving staffing shortages together.  Please communicate with us if you have ideas for how to assist with staffing during this public health emergency.  Thank you for your attention and service.

October 1, 2020

    New Phase 3 HHS Provider Relief Funding
    On 10/01/2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced new Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding. Applications may be submitted 10/05/2020 – 11/06/2020, but providers are encouraged to apply early.

September 18, 2020

September 15, 2020

September 3, 2020

    Governor's Office Issues Updated COVID-19 FAQs
    The Governor's Office has updated its COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions. Updates include information for those who, because of a disability, cannot safely wear a mask.

August 21, 2020

August 10, 2020

August 7, 2020

    Clarification on Recent Notices to Providers from Visit Healthcare
    Providers throughout Anchorage have reported receiving notices from a company called Visit Healthcare that states “Alaska has hired Visit to assist with COVID testing across Anchorage” and that that Visit Healthcare would soon begin testing of staff and residents of Assisted Living Homes.

    Visit Healthcare has a contract with the Municipality of Anchorage (MoA) to do COVID testing.   Visit Healthcare has not been hired by DHSS nor any State of Alaska department or office. COVID-19 testing conducted by Visit Healthcare is not required by or reimbursable by the State of Alaska. The State of Alaska supports the MoA’s efforts to provide access to additional testing options for its residents. If you have questions about COVID-19 testing done by Visit Healthcare, please contact the MoA Health Department at 907-343-6718 or or visit the Municipality of Anchorage for more COVID-19 testing information.

August 4, 2020

    Reopening Guidance for Nursing Homes: FAQs
    On August 4, 2020, the Department of Health and Social Services releasedfrequently asked questions concerning the reopening of skilled nursing facilities.

August 3, 2020

    Application Deadline Extended Until 08/28/2020: CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that has extended the Medicaid and CHIP Provider Relief Fund distribution provider application deadline to August 28, 2020. For more information, visit CARES Act Provider Relief Fund.

July 23, 2020

    HHS CARES Act Webcast: Getting Started with the Provider Relief Fund for Medicaid, CHIP, and Dentists
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Provider Relief Fund (PRF), is distributing $15 billion to eligible Medicaid, CHIP, and dental providers. To assist providers, HHS is holding a webcast, Getting Started with the Provider Relief Fund for Medicaid, CHIP and Dentists, on July 27, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. – noon, AKDT. Providers who are interested in joining the webcast to learn about the application process for the PRF must register in advance. Please share the webcast information with other providers that might be interested in participating. For more information, visit CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: For Providers.

July 9, 2020

July 7, 2020

    Traveling for Medical Care? Check Face Mask Requirements
    Check with your airline and your destination about face mask requirements before traveling for medical care, as each state or community and airline may have their own COVID-19 requirements. Currently, under Emergency Order EO-13, everyone traveling to the Municipality of Anchorage must wear a face mask when in public settings and stay at least 6 feet away from others. Exceptions to this order include children under two years of age, individuals with health conditions who are unable to tolerate wearing a face covering or mask due to a physical or mental disability, and individuals performing an activity that cannot be accomplished, or accomplished safely while wearing a mask. Masks are not covered by Alaska Medicaid, and the traveler may be responsible for purchasing a face mask.

July 6, 2020

June 30, 2020

June 11, 2020

    Nursing Homes Are Prohibited from Seizing Residents’ COVID-19 Stimulus Payment
    Most nursing facility residents are eligible up to $1,200 stimulus payments under the CARES Act. These funds belong to the residents; seizure by nursing facilities is prohibited. Following reports of nursing facilities wrongly requiring residents to relinquish their stimulus payments, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced that those who engage in this behavior “will be subject to [federal] enforcement action.

    Under state and federal Medicaid regulations, the stimulus payment is not counted as income for residents who are Medicaid eligible. Therefore, receipt of a stimulus payment does not affect eligibility, nor does it change a resident’s monthly cost of care (the amount a Medicaid recipient must pay toward the cost of their long-term care).

June 9, 2020

May 21, 2020

May 20, 2020

    COVID-10 Testing Update
      The following COVID-19 testing codes are now covered by Alaska Medicaid:
      • U0001 – COVID-testing by CDC testing lab ($35.91)
      • U0002 – COVID-19 testing by non-CDC lab ($51.31)
      • U0003 – Infect agent detection by nucleic acid ($100)ARS-CoV-2 ($100)
      • U0004 – 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 ($100)
      • 87635 – SARS-CoV Coronavirus ($51.31)
      Do not use 87631-87633 for COVID-19 testing. Questions? Contact Sherri LaRue at or 907-334-2656.

    May 14, 2020

    Pharmacy Update – May 2020
    The Alaska Medicaid Pharmacy Program May 2020 Update is now available on the Provider Updates page. Included are details about the Alaska Medicaid Disaster Relief State Plan Amendment

    May 7, 2020

    Alaska Responders Relief Line – 844-985-8275
    Recognizing the unique stressors that providers face, the Division of Behavioral Health has established a 24/7 support line, 844-985-8275, for healthcare and behavioral professionals impacted by COVID personally and professionally. Staff supporting the call line recognize callers are often first responders and will allows callers to openly express their experiences and feelings serving Alaskans impacted by COVID. This service is also available to immediate family members of first responders who may be experiencing stress, anxiety and other hard to label emotions as a result of their loved one engaging on the front lines.

    May 1, 2020

    Interim Guidance on SARS-CoV-2 Testing for Asymptomatic Residents Being Admitted to Congregate Living Facilities
    The Division of Public Health’s Section of Epidemiology released guidance for administrators and health care providers affiliated with congregate living facilities (e.g., skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, residential treatment facilities) that serve persons who typically remain at the facility for a sustained period of at least 14 days.

    April 30, 2020

    Resumption of Pre-COVID-19 Dental Coverage
    Effective 05/04/2020, Alaska Medicaid will resume coverage for non-urgent/non-emergent dental services under the SFY2020 Dental Services fee schedule. Providers are expected to adhere to Governor Dunleavy’s Health Mandate 015: Services by Health Care Providers and follow ADA and CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19. Provider questions? Contact Provider Inquiry at 907-644-6800, option 1, 1 or toll-free in Alaska at 800-770-5650, option 1, 1, 1.

    April 26, 2020

    Contact Tracer Information
    Do you want to serve as a contact tracer, or supervise contact tracers? Visit the DHSS Emergency Operations Center’s COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions and see “How can I volunteer or help?” for more information.

    April 24, 2020

    Revised New Travel Authorization Requirements
    Medicaid travel must comply with Governor Dunleavy's Health Mandate 015: Services by Health Care Providers. Travel will be authorized based on standard travel criteria, medical necessity, and the recommendation from the receiving provider that the travel needs to occur now and should not be delayed.

    All travel authorization requests must include a letter of medical necessity (LOMN). In addition to the standard LOMN criteria, the LOMN must include the following:
    Can the service(s) be provided via telehealth? If no, why not?
    Has the medical provider reviewed the risks of traveling during this time?
    Does the member understand these risks?
    Does the member understand they may be responsible for their own lodging and meals for travel extensions unrelated to the member’s medical needs?

    Questions? Please contact Provider Inquiry at 907-644-6800, option 1, 1 or toll-free in Alaska at 800-770-5650, option 1, 1, 1.

    Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telehealth Coverage: Updated FAQs
    Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telehealth Coverage FAQs has been updated with new questions submitted by providers.

    April 15, 2020

    COVID-19 Testing Update
    Effective immediately, Alaska Medicaid requires enrolled providers to use only the following two codes when submitting a claim for COVID-19 testing:
    • U0001 – COVID-testing by CDC testing lab ($35.91)
    • U0002 – COVID-19 testing by non-CDC lab ($51.31)
    Guidance regarding U0003 and U0004 will be released at a later date.
    Do not use 87631 - 87633 for COVID-19 testing, and 87635 is not a covered service.

    April 14, 2020

    Telehealth Training
    During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Alaska Medicaid expanded the availability of services that can be provided via telehealth. Instructor-led training webinars addressing covered telehealth services and how to bill for those services are scheduled beginning on 04/16/2020 as one hour sessions. Each session will contain the same material and providers are asked to attend only once. For a full schedule of available training sessions, refer to the Temporary Expansion of Telehealth Services flyer available on the Alaska Medicaid Learning Portal.

    April 13, 2020

    New Medicaid Travel Authorization Requirements
    In compliance with Governor Dunleavy's Health Mandate 5.1: Elective Procedures, effective 04/10/2020, all Medicaid travel authorizations require medical justification and specified written documentation. Complete requirements are detailed in the 04/10/2020 notice,New Travel Authorization Requirements.

    Medicaid Home Health: Temporary Suspension of Supervisory Visit Regulations
    Under the authority of Governor Dunleavy’s COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2, the onsite supervision requirements in the following regulations are suspended effective 04/09/2020 to allow home health supervisory visits to be conducted via telephone or video conferencing. This temporary suspension may be rescinded at any time, upon notification by the department. 7 AAC 12.517(a)(13) – nursing staff; 7 AAC 12.519(d) – home health aide; 7 AAC 12.521(a)(6) – physical therapy assistant; 7 AAC 12.521(b)(6) – occupational therapy assistant

    Behavioral Health Guidance
    COVID-19-related telehealth and other guidance is now available for behavioral health providers.

    April 9, 2020

    Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telehealth Coverage: FAQs
    Responses to provider questions regarding temporary expansion of Medicaid telehealth coverage are available on the Provider Updates page.

    Temporary Dental Coverage Limits During COVID-19 Emergency
    Effective April 8, 2020, and in compliance with Governor Dunleavy’s Health Mandate 006: Elective Oral Health Procedures, the Department of Health and Social Services implemented temporary changes to Medicaid coverage of dental services. The new list of covered dental codes and other requirements are included in the April 7, 2020 Temporary Dental Coverage Limits During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency notice.

    Temporary Telehealth Services Fee Schedule
    A temporary Alaska Medicaid Telehealth Services Fee Schedule, effective 03/20/2020, is now available on the Alaska Medicaid Fee Schedules page.

    Hospital and LTC Alternate Care Sites/Additional Beds During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
    Hospitals and long term care (LTC) facilities may apply to temporarily increase bed numbers or provide care and services at alternate care sites. This process applies to both tribal and non-tribal facilities as an emergency action to maintain an accurate record of available beds, statewide. Visit Health Facilities Licensing and Certification for more information and to access the Hospital/LTC Emergency Licensure Application.

    April 8, 2020

    Update to Health Mandate 005: Elective Procedures
    On April 7, 2020 Governor Dunleavy issued an update to Health Mandate 005: Elective Medical Procedures. Health Mandate 5.1: Elective Procedures and Attachment C, Non-Urgent or Elective Procedures and Surgeries further limit procedures that may be performed during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Mandate 5.1 remains in effect until June 15, 2020.

    Home Health: Temporary Suspension of Supervisory Visit Regulations
    Under the authority of Governor Dunleavy’s COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2, the onsite supervision requirements in the following regulations are suspended effective 04/09/2020 to allow home health supervisory visits to be conducted via telephone or video conferencing. This temporary suspension may be rescinded at any time, upon notification by the department.

    April 3, 2020

    Medicaid 1135 Waiver Status
    On 04/02/2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved, in part, the Department of Health and Social Services’ (DHSS) Medicaid 1135 Waiver request. DHSS will implement approved waiver provisions on an as needed basis, and will notify providers of the effective date of each change. Until DHSS notification is issued, services provided under waiver provisions will not be covered. Because RA messages are issued weekly, and changes are occurring on a daily basis, notices will be published on the Alaska Medicaid Health Enterprise home page as approved waivers are implemented.

    Alaska Medicaid Pharmacy Update #3
    Alaska Medicaid has released updated pharmacy guidelines to assist provider with navigating through the challenges related to COVID-19. Questions? Please contact Chuck Semling at or 907-334-2458.

    Effective April 3, 2020, Conduent (Alaska Medicaid’s fiscal agent) offices will be closed to any outside visitors or documentation drop-offs. Providers may continue to mail or electronically submit any documentation necessary to conduct Alaska Medicaid business. Documents may be mailed to the following address:

    P.O. Box 240769
    Anchorage, AK 99524-0769

    Providers may schedule one-on-one meetings via telephone or web conferencing through Provider Inquiry at 907-644-6800, option 1, 1 or toll-free in Alaska at 800-770-5650, option 1, 1, 1.

    Revised Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telehealth Coverage
    Alaska Medicaid has issued a revised temporary expansion of telehealth coverage guidelines, effective immediately. The 03/30/2020 Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telehealth Coverage, version 2, document is available on the Provider Updates page. Questions? Please contact Carrie Silvers at or 907-269-4576

    March 30, 2020

    Medicaid 1135 Waiver Request
    On 03/27/2020, the Dept. of Health and Social Services (DHSS) submitted a Medicaid 1135 Waiver Request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to ensure flexibility to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Waivers were requested to address all possible scenarios. Not all requested waiver provisions will be approved at the same time, and some may not be approved.

    DHSS will implement approved waiver provisions on an as needed basis, and will notify providers of the effective date of each change. Because RA messages are issued weekly, and changes are occurring on a daily basis, notices will be published on the Provider Updates page as approved waivers are implemented.

    Revised Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telemedicine Coverage
    Alaska Medicaid has issued a Revised Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telemedicine Coverage Guidelines, version 2, effective immediately. Questions? Contact Carrie Silvers at or 907-269-4576.

    March 27, 2020

    Alaska Medicaid Pharmacy Update #2
    Alaska Medicaid have updated their pharmacy guidelines to assist provider with navigating through the callenges related to COVID-19. Questions? Please contact Chuck Semling at or 907-334-2458.

    March 23, 2020

    Temporary Expansion of Medicaid Telemedicine Coverage
    Alaska Medicaid has issued a temporary expansion of telemedicine coverage guidelines, effective immediately. Questions? Please contact Carrie Silvers at or 907-269-4576.

    DMEPOS Temporary Guidelines
    Alaska Medicaid has issued temporary guidelines regarding service authorizations, quantity limits, and shipping/delivery of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. Questions? Please contact Karen Benson at

    Health Mandate 006: Elective Oral Health Procedures Restrictions
    On March 19, 2020 Governor Dunleavy issued Health Mandate 006: Elective Oral Health Procedures, in concurrence with recommendations from the American Dental Association, requiring all non-urgent dental procedures to be postponed for one month. The mandate includes recommended actions and resources for practitioners.

    Alaska Medicaid Pharmacy Update #1
    Alaska Medicaid has issued pharmacy guidelines to assist providers with navigating through the challenges related to COVID-19. Questions? Please contact Chuck Semling at or 907-334-2458.

    March 19, 2020

    Oral Health Restrictions

    Governor Dunleavy issued Health Mandate 006: Elective Oral Health Procedures, in concurrence with recommendations from the American Dental Association, requiring all non-urgent dental procedures to be postponed for one month. The mandate includes recommended actions and resources for practitioners If you are affected by this mandate and have questions or concerns, contact your provider to discuss your options.

    DHCS Temporarily Closed to Visitors
    As a precautionary measure due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the Division of Health Care Services, 4601 Business Park Blvd., Building K, is temporarily closed to visitors to protect the health and safety of those we serve and staff who provide those services. If you need to:
    • Drop off fingerprints or documents, use the lock box next door in front of Building K. The lock box is monitored and checked throughout the day.
    • Make a credit card payment, call 907-334-2400
    • Ask a question or speak with a staff member, call 907-334-2400

    March 18, 2020

    Aetna Offers Referral Service for Non-Members
    Aetna has graciously extended its Resources for Living program to non-Aetna members during the COVID-19 outbreak, similar to what they provided during the earthquake. Anyone can call Aetna to speak with a consultant who can assist with referrals to local resources.

    To access this service, call 888-327-2386 if you are not an Aetna beneficiary; if you are currently an Aetna member, call the telephone number on the back of your card.

    March 17, 2020

    Medicaid Travel Restrictions

    The Alaska Medicaid program is limiting Medicaid-approved travel to only those services that cannot be postponed for 3 months (e.g., facility discharges, emergency ambulance transports, acute psychiatric events, urgent surgery). Please contact your medical provider if you have any questions or concerns.

    March 16, 2020

    Non-Urgent and Elective Procedures
    The Alaska State Chief Medical Officer issued an advisory requesting that all hospitals and surgical facilities in Alaska to postpone non-urgent and elective procedures for three months. Medicaid providers are asked to postpone all non-urgent or elective procedures for three months to decrease the overall impact of COVID-19 on Alaska’s health care system. Other states are taking similar action. If you are affected by this you should contact your provider to discuss your options.

    Alaska Medicaid providers and are encouraged to closely monitor this and all guidelines issued by the State’s Chief Medical Officer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    March 3, 2020