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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.

Sarah Harlamert
TMAC Manager

Table of Contents

Tribal Health
Tribal Consultation

TMAC State of Alaska Department of Health logoDenali KidCare logo


Tribal Medicaid Administrative Claiming

Welcome to Tribal Medicaid Administrative Claiming (TMAC), where together we support effective and efficient administration of Medicaid and the Denali KidCare Programs.  This includes provision of outreach and linkage activities to Alaska Natives and American Indians and non-Tribal members served by Tribes and Tribal Health Organizations in Alaska.

The goals and objectives of the TMAC are to:
  1. Strengthen the partnership between H&SS and participating federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations
  2. Share in the responsibility for promoting access to Medicaid and Denali KidCare (M-CHIP) for Alaska Natives and American Indians
  3. Reimburse the Tribes and Tribal Health Organizations for performing Medicaid and Denali KidCare outreach and linkage activities.
Included below are resources for Tribes and Tribal Health organizations currently contracted to participate in TMAC. 

The rate for Tribal Medicaid Administrative Claiming for all providers for FFY25 (10/1/24 through 9/30/25) is $17.10 per unduplicated recipient per quarter.


Please reach out to the TMAC Manager for the most current forms.

Tribes or Tribal Health organizations may participate in TMAC once an agreement has been executed. Interested organizations may call the Department of Health & Social Services at 907-465-5829.

Department of Health

TMAC Contact List​ ​

Sarah Harlamert
TMAC Manager
Tribal Health Program Coordinator
Office of Medicaid and
Health Care Policy
Luana Gaines
Tribal Reclaiming Unit Manager
Office of Medicaid and
Health Care Policy
Lynne Keilman-Cruz
Acting Division Director
Health Care Services
​TMAC Mailing Address
State of Alaska
Division of Health Care Services
PO Box 110660
Juneau, AK 99811-0660
TMAC Physical Address
State of Alaska
Division of Health Care Services
350 Main St, Ste 514
Juneau, AK 99801