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Tobacco-Free Alaska > Grantee Resources

Tobacco-Free Alaska - Grantee Resources

Grantee Resources and Information

Trainings and Resources:

Grants and Contracts

​TPC/American For Nonsmoker's Rights

Tobacco Cessation Training

Airing Now

Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line

Tobacco-Free Alaska - Grantees signalling Thumbs Up

Reaching Rural Areas Through Local Grantees

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in Alaska. During each year, smoking alone is linked to an estimated 700 deaths and $575 million in health care costs in Alaska. About 2 out of 3 smokers want to quit but struggle to break the addiction.

The Tobacco Prevention and Control (TPC) Program mission is to coordinate and promote activities that help all Alaskans to live healthy and tobacco-free lives.

The TPC program follows the model outlined in the CDC’s 2014 Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs. The model, drawing on the tobacco prevention and control literature and outcomes in states across the country, has four primary goals:

  1. Prevent youth from starting tobacco use
  2. Protect the public from exposure to secondhand smoke
  3. Promote cessation of tobacco use among youth and adults; and,
  4. Identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities and achieve health equity.

The following are resources for developing Tobacco Prevention Policies in Alaska.​

Community Spotlight

Evaluation Highlights

Media/Public Education Resources