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​​Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion 
Fresh Start: Free Programs for Better Health



Alaska Tobacco Quit Line: 888-842-7848 Alaska's Smokefree Workplace Law



Program Contacts

3601 C Street, Suite 722
Anchorage AK 99503
Phone: (907) 269-2020
Fax: (907) 269-5446

Webpage updated July 2024

Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control (TPC) Program - Publications and Resources

Annual Report - Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control 

Strategic Plan

Alaska Tobacco Facts and Figures

TPC Success Stories

FY2023 TPC Regional Profiles

Tobacco Toolkits

Tobacco Prevention and Control Timeline

Other Tobacco Publications

Data Analysis

E-Cigarette Publications

Tobacco Factsheets for Alaska

Miscellaneous Publications

State Assessments

State Planning Publications

Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line: FREE HELP - enroll by calling 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or visiting

Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line: 888-842-7848 

Thinking about quitting tobacco? Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line is ready to help. Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line provides free one-on-one telephone, web, and text-based counseling, information on how to quit and referral services seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Current tobacco users are encouraged to use this free resource to help them quit.

To take advantage of this free service, simply call 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or visit the Alaska Quit Line Website »

Quit Line Publications

Web Coach:

Alaskans looking to quit or to stay quit who enroll by phone or web with Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line can ask for Web Coach, an online program that supports and assists tobacco users throughout the quitting process – from creating a Quitting Plan to learning strategies for staying quit for life.


Text2Quit provides a series of interactive text messages that are personalized to a participant’s Quit Plan and sent out over the course of a four month period and allows participants stay engaged with their Quit Coach, use medications correctly, manage urges, and prevent relapse; all from their mobile phones.

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