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Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey logo 

Alaska YRBS Information

National YRBS Information

Data Requests

Program Contacts

3601 C Street, Suite 722
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 907-269-2020
Fax: 907-269-5446

Carly Adams
YRBS Data Manager

Karol Fink, MS RDN
YRBS Health Program Manager


Join the AK YRBS News listserv to receive updates from the Alaska YRBS Program.

Webpage updated August 2024

Youth Risk Behavior Survey Program (YRBS)- web banner showing Alaskan teens at school, engaging in healthy activities, and taking the YBRS survey.

Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)


The Alaska YRBS program seeks input on the upcoming YRBS questionnaire in late summer and fall of even-numbered years. The questionnaires are developed and released for review before the YRBS is given. They are year-specific and subject to change from one survey year to the next.

Alaska YRBS Questionnaires

Other YRBS questionnaires

Standard high school, national high school, and middle school YRBS questionnaires are available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) YRBSS questionnaires page. All three CDC questionnaires are year-specific and subject to change from one survey administration to the next. Additional YRBS documentation, which includes question rationale (standard questionnaire only) and YRBS standard, national, and middle school questionnaire history, is also available on this page.

  • Standard high school questionnaire The standard questionnaire is the survey instrument the CDC develops for state and local-level data collection. States can use the standard questionnaire as-is or modify it to suit their needs. The Alaska YRBS program typically chooses to modify the standard questionnaire, omitting some CDC standard questions and including some state-added questions.
  • National high school questionnaire The national questionnaire is used to collect data that are representative of students in grades 9–12 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Alaska YRBS program does not use this questionnaire, although many of the questions on this questionnaire are included in the Alaska YRBS questionnaire, allowing for comparisons with national YRBS data.
  • Middle school questionnaire The CDC offers a middle school questionnaire for states that wish to conduct a middle school YRBS. Alaska does not currently offer a middle school YRBS.

Interested in participating in Alaska YRBS questionnaire development?

The Alaska YRBS program seeks input on the upcoming YRBS questionnaire in late summer and fall of even-numbered years. Interested organizations and individuals are encouraged to propose new questions and participate in a questionnaire development meeting.

  • To receive YRBS questionnaire development updates, sign up for our free e-listserv.
  • To propose a new question, complete the YRBS question proposal form. Question proposal forms are accepted in summer or fall of even-numbered years.
  • For more information about the Alaska YRBS questionnaire development process, contact