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Page Content
HEC7: Non-communicable and Chronic Diseases
- Diabetes rates
- Cancer deaths by type
- Leading causes of cancer death in Alaska Natives
- Cancer rates
- Most common cancer types
- Leading causes of cardiovascular disease mortality
- Percentage of residents with high blood pressure
- Percentage of residents with high cholesterol
- Heart disease mortality rates
- Cerebrovascular disease mortality rates
- Rate of COPD
- Rate of asthma/asthma exacerbations
- Cases of mental health disorders
- Percentage obese or overweight
- Leisure time physical activity
- Physical activity levels
- Sugar sweetened beverage consumptions
- Television/screen time
- Tobacco use
- Exposure to second hand smoke
- Drug abuse
- Cancer screening rates
- Preventative health screenings
- Percent who have received dental care
Commonly used data sources
- Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Alaska Bureau of Vital Statistics
- Alaska Department of Health, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Alaska Department of Health, Women's, Children's and Family Health Program, Alaska Oral Health Plan
- Alaska Department of Health, Women's, Children's and Family Health Program, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- Alaska Health Facilities Data Reporting Program
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium EpiCenter
- Alaska Native Tumor Registry
- Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC WONDER
- National Cancer Institute, Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results, State Cancer Profiles