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Foodborne & Waterborne Disease Information

giardia ecoli salmonella norovirus 

The Alaska Sections of Epidemiology and Laboratories work with our partners at the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Food Safety and Sanitation Program, and the Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services to investigate, control, and prevent instances of foodborne illness.

Foodborne illness results from consuming food or beverages that are contaminated by disease-causing microbes or pathogens. Many of these same pathogens can also be acquired following contact with contaminated recreational water, infected animals or their environments, or infected people.

Our activities include:

  • Conducting surveillance activities to understand trends in infectious diseases and pathogens
  • Investigating illnesses and clusters to pinpoint the source of infection to control ongoing and future outbreaks
  • Educating people how to protect themselves from foodborne and other infectious illnesses

Please contact the Infectious Disease Program if you have any questions: 907-269-8000 or

Enteric Illness Data

For counts of specific diseases, see the annual summary Epi Bulletins

Enteric Illness Policies

Disease-Specific Webpages

Visit these pages for fact sheets and interview forms.

State Public Health Lab Links

Food Safety and Sanitation

Other Links and Resources