Title V: Alaska's Framework for MCH Service Directory
The Section of WCFH is Alaska’s Title V Agency. The mission of WCFH reflects the overall intent of the Title V Maternal Child Health (MCH) Block Grant under Title V of the Social Security Act of 1935 as outlined by the Human Resource Service Administration. This act outlines the goals which include providing and assuring mothers and children have access to quality maternal and child health services; reducing infant mortality; reducing the incidence of preventable diseases; and reducing disabling conditions among children.
2020-2024 Title V Priorities
- Increase the number of children who are living in safe, stable, nurturing environments.
- Reduce substance misuse (including alcohol, tobacco and drugs) among caregivers of infants and toddlers and women of childbearing age.
- Increase connection to behavioral and mental health information, training and resources for parents and caregivers, and providers who serve women, adolescents, and children.
- Increase or promote equitable access to medical and pediatric specialty care and family supports for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN).
- Improve social supports, with a focus on wellbeing and resilience, to prevent and reduce the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
- Increase safe and healthy relationships.
- Strengthen systems, services and partnerships to help families and health care providers respond to the impact of a collective emergency, disaster or other trauma.
- Promote health equity and identify and address social determinants of health
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View an individual States' Annual Report, State Snapshots, Funding Sources and much more!
What is the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant?
The Title V Block Grant is a Federal-State partnership program to
improve the health of mothers and children, including children and youth
with special health care needs. Two links below offer excellent
descriptions of the Title V program:
Title V Block Grant Application
The Title V Block Grant program requires all states to report on
maternal and child health performance measures and outcomes every year.
The application includes:
- A comprehensive description of activities that support progress towards achieving national and state goals.
- Data on performance measures, outcomes and health capacity indicators
Every state’s Title V application, including Alaska’s, is posted on the federal website. You can compare data across states.
How Are Alaska's Title V Funds Used?
The Title V program is managed by the Department of Health, Division of Public Health, Section of Women's Children's and
Family Health (WCFH). Services funded by Title V can be envisioned as a pyramid of four tiers consisting of:
- Direct Health Care Services
- Enabling Services
- Population-based Services
- Infrastructure Services
Allocation of funds within these categories are based on the state's
maternal and child health priorities. Priorities are developed every 5 years following a statewide needs assessment.