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Erik Peterson
Health Program Manager III
Senior & Disabilities Services, Grants Unit Manager

State of Alaska Department of Health

Grant Services

The Division of Senior and Disabilities Services makes grants to nonprofit organizational partners across Alaska. These partners use the funds to provide vital community based supportive services to families and individuals experiencing Developmental Disabilities (DD), Alzheimer's Disease and related Disorders (ADRD), family caregivers of seniors aged 60 and over, grandparents raising grandchildren aged 55 or over, seniors aged 60 and over, and/or frail or disable seniors who need assistance in the home.

These services are available to individuals who are waiting or do not qualify for Home and Community Based services under the Medicaid Waiver program, or who only require minimal supports that can be provided by the grant services. These grants are awarded to agencies every three or four years through a competitive process. Funding for these programs comes from the U.S. Administration on Aging, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, and state general funds.

Grant Programs

For Seniors and Caregivers

For Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

For Providers:

Information, Referral and Independent Living