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Supplemental Emergency Medical Transport Program

Supplemental Emergency Medical Transport (SEMT) Program

SEMT is a voluntary program that will allow eligible publicly owned and operated Medicaid providers to voluntarily submit annual reports to be reimbursed Medicaid supplemental payments.

SEMT providers submit annual cost reports to the Department that are used to calculate a provider’s cost per transport. The supplemental payment will be the federal portion of the difference between the provider’s cost per transport and the payment that the provider has already received in fee-for-service Medicaid payments and any other source of reimbursement.

The State Plan Amendment 19-007 for the SEMT program, has an effective date of August 31, 2019. This authority allows for transports on or after this date of service to be eligible for SEMT reimbursement. The Alaska SEMT regulations are effective October 9, 2021. See Reporting Timelines for more information.

Links for documents older than 25 months have been updated to direct to the State of Alaska Library Archives website.

Provider Eligibility Requirements

Provider participation in the SEMT program is voluntary. Providers must meet all the following requirements to be eligible to participate in the SEMT program:

  • Be enrolled as a Medicaid provider with an active provider participation agreement for the period being claimed;
  • Be a publicly owned or operated state, city, county, fire protection district, community service district, health care district, federally recognized Indian tribe, or any unit of government as defined in 42 C.F.R. Sec 433.50; and
  • Provide emergency ground, air, or water medical transportation to Medicaid fee-for-service recipients

How to become a participating provider

To become a participating SEMT provider, on or before the applicable due date each year (see Reporting Timelines below):

  1. Complete, print out, sign, and scan the SEMT Provider Participation Agreement
  2. Complete and submit an annual cost report
  3. Complete and submit supporting documentation for the cost report including but not limited to:
    • Audited Financial Statements (AFS)
    • Post audit working trial balance that ties to the AFS in excel format
    • Reconciliation of the post audit working trial balance to the cost report in excel format (see SEMT Documents below for an example)
  4. Email the agreement, along with your annual cost report and supporting documents, to:

Reporting Timelines

Previous years

Annual report documents for previous years are due April 7, 2022, which is 180 days after the effective date of the regulations. Reports subject to this due date include:

  • CY19 & CY20
  • FFY19, FFY20, and FFY21*
  • SFY20 & SFY21

*FFY21 was accidently not included in 7 AAC 145.760(h) as a previous year report. In order to ensure this previous year is due the same time as all previous year reports and to ensure the FFY21 reports are not due prior to the FFY19 & FFY20 reports, the Department has issued an extension letter for FFY21.

Future Years

The following future SEMT annual reports are due in the next year and a half. Future year reports are due on or before the last day of the fifth month after the provider’s fiscal year. If the filing deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the report is due the following business day.

  • CY21 – Due May 31, 2022
  • SFY22 – Due November 30, 2022
  • FFY22 – Due February 28, 2023

Settlement Timelines

Providers will receive an interim supplemental payment no later than the end of the 2nd quarter following submission of the annual report.

Provider FYE Interim Payment
CY 12/31 following annual report submission
SFY6/30 following annual report submission
FFY9/30 following annual report submission

The interim payment will be calculated using the cost report submitted by the provider and claims information pulled by the Department from the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) and populated by the Department on Schedule 9 – Interim Payments.

The submitted cost reports will undergo a desk review process to verify the provider’s cost per emergency medical transport to calculate the final settlement amount. This process includes the Department populating the Schedule 10 – Final Settlement form

The final settlement will occur within 3 years of the receipt of the as-filed cost report. Depending on the results of the final settlement process the department will either pay the provider a final federal funds supplemental or recover from the provider the federal payments that exceed the provider’s cost per qualifying transport after adjustments for other sources of reimbursement.

SEMT Documents

Links for the forms needed for the SEMT program and instruction documents are included below.


The SEMT FAQs that are included in this section are updated periodically. When an update is made, it will be added to the end of the correct section and highlighted in red. The date on the file will be updated with the most current revision date.

SEMT Training

SEMT Administrative Fee

The SEMT program requires that implementation of the program does not result in additional expenditures for the state general fund. The fee is a flat fee per Medicaid emergency medical transports for the service period in the cost reports. The flat fee per Medicaid emergency medical transport is multiplied by a provider’s SEMT eligible transports to determine each provider’s total fee. The fee calculation, which is explained in detail in the SEMT Program Training documents above, is a calculation that utilizes the state fund cost of state staff operating the SEMT program as determined via positive timekeeping and the number of SEMT transports.

Providers will be notified in writing the amount of the fee on or before May 15 each year. The fee is due on or before June 15 of each year that the provider participates.

SEMT Program Authority

The final regulations will be posted to the Register in January 2022.


Please submit questions related to the SEMT program such as cost report questions to: