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Medicaid State Plan

As a courtesy to Alaskans, the Department of Health offers this on-line version of the Medicaid state plan, which represents Alaska’s contract with the federal government regarding the administration of the Medicaid program. The plan information listed here is for informational purposes only, and is not legally binding. The official plan is maintained by the Alaska Department of Health Commissioner's Office

Please contact Christal Hays for assistance with state plan documents.

Please note: The contents below consist of state plan content applicable to the Alaska Medicaid program. Gaps in the numbering sequences occur when specific sections either do not apply to Alaska Medicaid, or have been superseded by content in other areas of the state plan. 

Table of Contents

Section 1.0 – Single State Agency Organization

Section 2.0 – Coverage and Eligibility

Section 3.0 – Services: General Provisions

Section 4.0 – Program Administration and Reimbursement

Section 5.0 – Personnel Administration

Section 6.0 – Financial Administration

Section 7.0 – General and Time-Limited Provisions

7.7 – Time-Limited Provisions