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Tobacco Enforcement & Youth Education Program


Retailer's Certification

To certify a retail location an investigator will meet with the store manager (or designee) on site and confirm that the store has all the items in AS 43.70.075 (t) in place; if the store does not the State will work with the retailer to bring them into compliance with AS 43.70.075(t).  Once the seven items are confirmed to be in place the State will then issue that location/tobacco endorsement a tobacco certification. The certification is good for two years. If within that two years that location has a violation of AS 11.76.100, 106 or 107, 109 they will receive a 10 day suspension of the tobacco endorsement instead of a 20 day suspension. This a voluntary program offered by the State. 

Annual Synar Reports

Synar Reports older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website.​