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Pediatric Training and Education

Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator

What is a PECC?

Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC)- generally speaking is an individual who acts as a champion for pediatric emergency care within a system or several systems.

The Institute of Medicine report "Emergency Care for Children: Growing Pains" recommends EMS agencies and EDs appoint a PECC to provide pediatric leadership and while this individual need not be dedicated solely to this role they are necessary to advocate for improved competencies and availability of resources for pediatric patients.

Why is a PECC beneficial?

In a study published in 2015 Guasche-Hill, et al. showed an association between the presence of a PECC and an increase in pediatric preparedness. The PECC can serve as a leader in the system or facility, a point of contact for updates on pediatric care and liaison with other PECCs.

What does a PECC do?

The role of a PECC is flexible based on the resources and needs of the system(s). Some tasks may include promoting pediatric CEs, working with the Alaska EMS for Children Program to collect data on pediatric care and ensure availability of appropriate tools and equipment. For a more thorough list of possible tasks please email Alaska EMS for Children.

PECC Resources

Have additional questions or would like to act as your system's PECC? Contact us at Alaska EMS for Children.

Pediatric Courses and Resources

Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kits (PEAK)

Educational content includes multiple delivery methods to provide learners with experiences to match their varied needs including interactive web-based learning modules, case-based question banks, audio and video podcasts, webinars, and screen and case-based simulation resources. PEAK content will include point of care and support resources for ill and injured children. Access Pediatric Education & Advocacy Kits here.


Free open access medical simulation resources for healthcare workers in non-tertiary or prehospital environments. See, Learn, Do! Check out the SimBox Education Project here.

Nationally Recognized Courses

Prehospital Providers

Emergency Department Personnel

Injury Prevention

  • Kids Don’t Float
    Kids Don't Float (KDF) is a statewide injury prevention program that was developed to address Alaska's high child and youth drowning rate. In a collaborative effort between several state and federal agencies, organizations and local grassroots sponsors, Kids Don't Float now includes a life jacket loaner board component and an educational component.
  • Sparky the Fire Dog
    Fire Safety
  • Safe Kids Alaska
    Led by Providence Alaska Medical Center, which provides dedicated and caring staff, operation support and other resources to assist in achieving our common goal: keeping your kids safe.
  • Parents Central
    From Car Seats to car Keys: Keeping Kids Safe
  • Safety Bear
    Children’s Safety Tips from the Alaska State Troopers
