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About Adoption

Adoption is an option you should be aware of if you do not feel ready to parent. Please read the "About Pregnancy" section of this website for information about the medical concerns related to continuing a pregnancy through delivery. Counseling and support services are a vital part of making an adoption plan. Many agencies, both public and private, can help birthparents develop an adoption plan.

There are several types of adoption plans for a woman to consider with her adoption counselor: open adoption, semi-open adoption, and confidential adoption. Each plan has advantages and disadvantages for a woman to consider. In Alaska, adoption files, and the identity of the birthparents, remain closed until the adopted child reaches the age of 18 years. At that time, the child may formally request his or her original birth certificate from the Bureau of Vital Statistics.

An open adoption may include selecting the adoptive family and planning for on-going communication about the child. A licensed adoption agency or an experienced attorney or social worker can help you with the many decisions and legal issues about adoption. See the "Resources" section of this website for specific information on agencies or attorneys who handle adoption.

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