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​​About this site

Alaska Statutes relating to this site: 

Adopted July 14th, 2005
Effective midnight August 21, 2005
Most recent update:
September 2016


This website was created to provide women with basic, medically accurate information to help them make informed decisions about their pregnancy options. You will find information on fetal development, abortion, pregnancy and childbirth here. You also will find a resource directory of pregnancy-related social and health services in Alaska.

Alaska law requires your doctor to discuss with you the information described in this website before performing an abortion. You must have a chance to ask questions and discuss your pregnancy decision before an abortion can be performed. It is illegal for a health care provider to perform any medical or surgical procedure without first obtaining the informed consent of the patient.

You may view the entire text of the law online.

You are the only individual with the right to decide whether or not to continue your pregnancy, to become a parent, or to make an adoption plan for your child.

This web site is confidential. No one from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services will collect or record any information about your use of this site.

A panel of medical experts was appointed by the Alaska State Board of Medicine to review and approve the accuracy of medical information presented on this website. This review was completed and approved on May 20, 2005 and was based on current medical research and literature. 

Note: Use the "Next" and "Back" links at the bottom of each page to navigate through this site.

