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PRAMS Publications

State of Alaska PRAMS publications can be found in the MCH Epi Bulletin Index

See also Alaska Maternal and Child Health Data Books.

CDC PRAMS Topic Reports

Peer-reviewed journal articles using Alaska PRAMS data with State of Alaska author bylines:

Child Maltreatment

  • Parrish JW, Shanahan ME, Schnitzer PG, Lanier P, Daniels JL, Marshall SW. Quantifying Sources of Bias in Longitudinal Data Linkage Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect: Measuring impact of outcome specification, linkage error, and partial cohort follow-up. Injury Epidemiology. 2017 Aug; 4:23
  • Parrish JW, Lanier P, Newby-Kew A, Arvidson J, Shanahan M. Maternal Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Before And During Pregnancy And Postbirth Child Welfare Contact: A Population Based Assessment. Child Maltreat. 2016 Feb;21(1):26-36.
  • Parrish JW. Epidemiology of Child Maltreatment Determinants in Alaska Native and American Indian Populations in Alaska. APSAC Advisor. 2014; 26(2) 2-9.
  • Parrish JW, Young MB, Perham-Hester KA, Gessner BD. Identifying Risk Factors for Child Maltreatment in Alaska: A population-based approach. Am J Prev Med 2011;40(6):666-673.

Infant Mortality

  • Blabey MH, Gessner BD. Infant Bed-Sharing Practices and Associated Risk Factors Among Births and Infant Deaths in Alaska. Pub Health Rep 2009;124:527-534.
  • Gessner BD, Ives GC, Perham-Hester KA. Association between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Prone Sleep Position, Bed Sharing, and Sleeping Outside an Infant Crib in Alaska. Pediatrics 2001 October, 108 (4): 923-927.

Intimate Partner Violence

  • Blabey MH, Locke ER, Goldsmith YW, Perham-Hester KA. Experience of a controlling or threatening partner among mothers with persistent symptoms of depression. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009;201:173/e1-9.
  • Gessner BD, Perham-Hester KA. Experience of Violence among Teenage Mothers in Alaska. J Adol Health 1998; 22: 383-8. (Summary digest "Nearly 10% of Teenage Mothers Experience Violence while Pregnant" printed in Family Planning Perspectives 1999; 31:106-107.) (Erratum to Table 1 printed in J Adol Health 1999; 24 (6):459.)


  • Wojcicki JM, Young MB, Perham-Hester KA, de Schweinitz P, Gessner BD. Risk Factors for Obesity at Age 3 in Alaskan Children, Including the Role of Beverage Consumption: Results from Alaska PRAMS 2005-2006 and Its Three-Year Follow-Up Survey, CUBS, 2008-2009. PLoS ONE 2015;10(3):e0118711.

Substance Use (including Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana)

  • Ko JY, Tong VT, Bombard JM, Hayes DK, Davy J, Perham-Hester KA. Marijuana use during and after pregnancy and association of prenatal use on birth outcomes: A population-based study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018; 187: 72-78.
  • Kim SY, England L, Dietz PM, Morrow B, Perham-Hester KA. Patterns of Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Use Before, During, and After Pregnancy Among Alaska Native and White Women in Alaska, 2000-2003. Matern Child Health J. 2010 May;14 (3):365-72.
  • Kim SY, England L, Dietz PM, Morrow B, Perham-Hester KA. Prenatal Cigarette Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Alaska Native and White Women in Alaska, 1996-2003. Matern Child Health J. 2009; 13: 652-59.
  • Perham-Hester KA, Gessner BD. Correlates of Drinking During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy in Alaska. Mat Child Health J 1997; 1(3): 165-172.