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Centralized reporting

Centralized Reporting

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Service has a central place to report some required reports.

  • Abuse, neglect, self-neglect, exploitation and undue influence of adults
  • Mandatory incidents/Reports in assisted living homes
  • Critical incidents for people in programs managed by Senior and Disabilities Services *(SDS) for waiver, personal care assistance, grant and general relief services
  • Complaints about anything related to service or care provided under SDS programs or assisted living care

Submit one report at the button below:

Report link

If you need to make a report of harm while the harmony system is down for maintenance, complete the Report of Harm for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults and fax it to centralized reporting at 907-269-3648.

*Note about reporting a death. The Death of Participant form is no longer needed. The questions from that form have been incorporated into the Centralized Web Intake Report. Please answer all the questions in full in the Incident Information and Description Section
For information regarding Alaska Statute 47.24.120, go to Adult Protective Services.

For information regarding Alaska Statutes 7AAC 75.340, & AAC 10.1010 and AS 47.32. 200 go to: Health Care Services Assisted Living Program.

If you have questions about what may be reported via this link, contact your oversight agency at:

  • HCS Residential Licensing 907-269-3640
  • SDS Quality Assurance 907-269-3666
  • Call the Central Intake Unit at 1-800-478-9996

If you need to make a report of harm while the harmony system is down for maintenance, complete the Report of Harm for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults form and fax it to centralized reporting at 907-269-3648.


The Harmony Application and Centralized Reporting undergoes weekly maintenance in a window between 2pm and 8pm AKDT EVERY SUNDAY.

The system may be unavailable for part or all of this time.
We recommend any critical work be scheduled with this window in mind.

A browser is an application that gets you on the internet so you can “browse” for websites.

Four common ones are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.

Internet Explorer 11 is the only certified browser for the Harmony system. While it is possible that the form will work on other browser versions the software may not perform as expected.

Setup Internet Explorer 11 to disable ActiveX.

  1. Go to IE11 Tools->Internet Options
  2. Choose the Security tab.
  3. Click the Custom Level button
  4. Scroll down to the "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
  5. Select Disable.
  6. Then click ok button.
  7. On the next screen click the Apply button
  8. Then click the Ok button.
  9. Close the browser window.
  10. Reopen the browser and try to add a new Web Intake.

Set your browser to allow pop-ups.

If you do not allow “pop-ups” (boxes with information that “pop up” while you are on a website) you will not be able to fill out the report, view, or print a summary of your report when you are finished.

The links below will bring you to websites that are not affiliated with the State of Alaska.

These links will help you know how to allow pop-ups in these common browsers

Adobe Acrobat Reader button

Have the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view the report summary.
SDS always uses the newest version. You can download it for free.


Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10 users

Please be aware that:

  1. The Windows Vista operating system is no longer supported. If you are using Windows Vista you will not be able to open the website.
  2. The Centralized Reporting website is hosted by Harmony. Harmony updates the security settings periodically so all information you enter when you make a report remains secure.

What you need to do:

(No later than April 26, 2015)
  • The Centralized Reporting website will not work with Windows Vista.
  • You must use a newer version of the Windows operating system to be able to use the Centralized Reporting website.

Please consult with your IT professional to discuss the change. If you have questions contact
Harmony Customer Support at

NOTE for PROVIDERS:Provider Reference Guide