High School Transition Program
- This unique program provides real-life work experience to help youth, with significant
disabilities, make successful transitions from school to adult life.
- Meant to serve as a student’s last year in high school
- Anchorage | Fairbanks | Mat-Su
Program Model:
- Project SEARCH is an international trademarked and copyrighted program model, which focuses solely on employment for Project SEARCH interns.
- Successful outcomes for this project include:
- Employment in an integrated setting (working alongside people without disabilities)
- Year-round work
- 20 hours/week or more
- Minimum wage or higher
Project SEARCH is a Business-Led Program:
- This means that interns learn relevant, marketable skills while immersed in the business and those businesses are active partners participating without subsidies.
- The program has several rotations through unpaid internships with continual feedback aimed at developing transferable high-quality employability skills.
Alaska Project SEARCH Sites:
Teacher contact: Beth Talcott
For application paperwork please contact: talcott_elizabeth@asdk12.org
Phone: 907-212-6096
Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
Teacher contact: Lisa Laqua
For application paperwork please contact:: Lisa.Laqua@k12northstar.org
Phone: (907) 590-3881
Teacher contact: Kim Shangraw, NBCT
For application paperwork please contact: Kimberly.Shangraw@matsuk12.us
Phone: 907-861-6995
Students and parents interested in an Alaska Project SEARCH site for the student’s last year of high school are encouraged to discuss this interest with their teacher as well.
"The goal for each student participant is competitive employment. The program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help youths with significant disabilities make successful transitions from school to productive adult life. The Project SEARCH model involves an extensive period of training and career exploration, innovative adaptations, long-term job coaching, and continuous feedback from teachers, job coaches, and employers. As a result, at the completion of the training program, students with significant intellectual disabilities are employed in nontraditional, complex rewarding jobs"
Trust PSA featuring Mat-Su Project SEARCH:
National Co-Founder Talks About Project SEARCH:
Learn more about Project SEARCH from the National C-Founder, Erin Riehle
Anchorage Project SEARCH Success Story:
Alaska Statewide Project SEARCH Coordinator - Patrick Reinhart
National Project SEARCH:
- Original site started 15 years ago at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Now there are 500 sites worldwide