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UAA Center for Human Development

​​The Governor's Council partners with the Center for Human Development (CHD) at the University of Alaska Anchorage on a variety of projects, including Partners in Policymaking, Complex Behavior Collaborative, and Peer Power. The CHD is one of 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in Education, Research, and Service (UCEDDs) in the nation. The mission of the CHD is to improve the quality of life of Alaskans with disabilities an their fa​milies through interdisciplinary education, community service, research, and information dissemination. The CHD serves the entire state of Alaska in these major areas:

  1. Interdisciplinary education
  2. Community training and technical assistance
  3. Research
  4. Information dissemination

The Governor's Council also partners with CHD on the following employment projects:

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Microenterprise Fund

The microenterprise fund strives to increase access to microenterprise and self-employment opportunities for persons with disbailities who are Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries. Grant funds can cover to the costs associated with starting a new business, expanding a current business, or acquiring an existing business.

For an application, click here or visit the website for more information. For assistance with the application process, email Jackie Perry at


Alaska Integrated Employment Initiative

The Governor's Council provides oversight on this 5-year initiative, while CHD provides research and training. This project is also in collaboration with the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services, Divison of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Education & Early Development, and the Disability Law Center to develop sustainable strategies to increase the employment of youth and young adults with intellectual / developmental disabilities.

For more information, contact or visit


Work Incentive Planning and Assistance

Did you know that you can go to work AND still keep your social security and medicaid benefits? The Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program, funded by the U.S. Social Security Administration, strives to educate people as to how wages impact Social Secuirty benefits. WIPA provides assistance to beneficiaries to understand the various work incentive programs available, including the state Medicaid buy-in program, which can help people with disabilities go to work while maintaining these needed medical benefits.

For more information, contact Larissa Cummings at (907) 264-6279 or



For more information on the Center for Human Development, contact them here.