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​​​YKHC’s McCann Treatment Center

YKHC’s McCann treatment center is a 14 bed all male (ages 10 to 18) comprehensive psychiatric residential treatment facility for children and adolescents from the YK Delta. We provide high quality and cost effective psychiatric, psychosocial, educational, and cultural services to emotionally and behaviorally disordered children, adolescents, and their families. McCann is accredited by JCAHO.

The McCann Treatment Center (MTC) is a culturally diverse, individualized, strength based program focuses on building self-value and meeting the client’s needs using an eclectic and comprehensive approach to treatment.

As a Residential Psychiatric Treatment Center (RTPC), with a focus on inhalant and substance abuse, treatment includes complete assessments; individual/group/family therapy; psych-educational groups on multiple topics; recreational and cultural activities; individualized school program; comprehensive subsistence education program; and life skill training to help each client gain confidence and self-value. Our State of the art building has a gym for exercise and therapeutic games. 


 House Details:
5016 Noel Polty Rd,
Bethel, Alaska, 99559
YKHC Website
Type of House:
Treatment Center
Care level :
Age Range :
10-18 years
Gender(s) :
Beds :
Staff to Client Ratio :
Length of stay :

Contact Information:
Sarah Trieff-Jones
Program Coordinator
McCann Treatment Center
PO Box 1029
Bethel, AK 99559
Phone: 907-543-6802
Fax: 907-543-7101

907-543-6800-6813, or
Toll free at 800-478-3321, Ext. 6800, or 6813.