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​Training and Conferences

Key Alaskan resources for training, education, and building professional connections in Behavioral Health and related human service fields:

The Center for Human Development, University of Alaska Anchorage

The Center for Human Development includes a constellation of human service programs where participants can enroll for professional development or University of Alaska credit. Key programs include The Alaska Training Cooperative, the Family Services Training Center, and Project ECHO​

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) 

ANTHC hosts the Alaska Behavioral Health Program and its Training Center as well as the Community Health Aide Program, a network of about 550 Community Health Aides/Practitioners (CHA/Ps) in over 170 rural Alaska villages. 

Regional Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor Training Program (RADACT) 

RADACT strives to increase the educational level of individuals entering or working in the behavioral health counseling field by providing courses to meet various degrees of experience and expertise. Founded in 1992, RADACT is an Alaskan nonprofit organization dedicated to providing training opportunities to individuals beginning their journey towards chemical dependency/behavioral health counselor certification, clinical supervision and administration. RADACT provides, coordinates and delivers on-site training. RADACT also provides correspondence classes and offers a three-week intense training academy.

National Association of Social Workers - Alaska Chapter 

The NASW Alaska Chapter website includes Continuing Education programs sponsored by the NASW Alaska Chapter. Alaska’s Boards for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Professional Counselors and Licensed Psychologists recognize NASW Alaska Chapter’s Continuing Education programs. The Alaska Chapter offers a bi-annual conference, a lunch and learn series, as well as online courses and recorded trainings. 

Alaska Public Health Association (ALPHA) 

ALPHA hosts a Health Summit annually in January focused on key public health issues in Alaska. provides online continuing education for social workers, licensed professional counselors (LPCS), and licensed marital and family therapists (LMFTS). Alaska’s professional licensing boards for these professional licenses have approved training through 

National Associations

National professional associations provide continuing education, training, and ​conferences throughout the year, including American Counseling Association, American Psychiatric Association, and the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy.

Alaskan Boards and Commissions

The Alaska Department of Health include several Boards and commissions which sponsor and/or promote conferences and trainings, including Alaska Mental Health Board and the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Commission on Aging, Statewide Suicide Prevention Council, and the Governor’s Council on Disabilities & Special Education. The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (AMHTA) provides leadership in advocacy, planning, implementing, and funding services and programs for Trust beneficiaries. 

Sign up for Notices! 

The Alaska Department of Health’s govdelivery system​ distributes notices and newsletters on a regular basis, including conferences and other events. To register for email or SMS notices through govdelivery select "Behavioral Health Communications" under "Behavioral Health".
