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​​Community Behavioral Health Grants Component

The Community Behavioral Health Grants Component provides funding through grants or contracts to local nonprofit or local government agencies to provide an array of outpatient and residential community mental health services.

The services provided by these agencies include: Emergency outpatient and residential crisis/respite services; outpatient, residential treatment and rehabilitation services for adults with severe mental illness; the same for youths who are severely emotionally disturbed; and outpatient treatment services for adults and youth with emotional disturbances.

Funding is provided for persons with mild to relatively severe mental and emotional disorders that may produce a temporary inability to meet vocational and social demands, but are neither immediately life-threatening nor place the person at risk of hospitalization. This population includes persons in the third legislatively-mandated priority - those with moderate to severe disorders who have no access to private care due to geographic isolation or economic hardship. This population also includes persons in the fourth priority - those with mild to moderate disorders who are not likely to need hospitalization in the foreseeable future.

These services include:

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Individual, group and family therapy
  • Case management (limited)
  • Prevention/education