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Treatment & Recovery for Pregnant, Parenting Women & Infants

Specialized substance use treatment is available in Alaska.

It’s important for women to tell their health care providers about their substance use (legal or illegal) so providers can help mothers and their babies have the healthiest pregnancy and childhood possible.

It’s also good to mention if someone close to an expecting mother uses substances. A provider can help figure out if that’s a possible health risk, and if so, suggest ways to reduce the risk.

If you or someone you care about is pregnant and using substances, please seek help. 

Find a provider

Both residential and community-based services for pregnant and parenting women are available, funded by the Division of Behavioral Health.

Medication Assisted Treatment is also available.

Frequently asked questions

Does substance use during pregnancy affect babies in the womb?

Yes. Substances that ​a woman takes in, through personal use or use around her, do reach her infant and can have severe health consequences for both mother and infant. There is no known safe amount for use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, illicit substances or misused prescriptions.

  • For free and confidential answers to questions about exposure to substances while pregnant, contact the experts at MotherToBaby​ by phone, text, email or computer chat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Is Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) safe during pregnancy? 

Yes, and it is important for women with a substance use disorder to treat the disorder. This minimizes harm to themselves and their babies.

MAT has proven to be a highly effective treatment for opioid dependence.

Will Medicaid pay for treatment out of state?

No, Alaska Medicaid only pays for substance use disorder treatment in Alaska.

Are there health effects if children are around substance use? 

Research has found that children who are anxious because of their life circumstances as they are growing up tend to have more mental and physical health challenges later in life than their peers in calm, supportive environments. Going through rough patches is part of life, and can help build problem-solving skills, but helping children have as safe and stable a life as possible is important for future health and life success. 

For more information, visit Health effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).​