Senior Benefits
Printable Senior Benefits Application
- Complete a Senior Benefits Application and send by mail, fax, email, in-person/lobby drop box, direct secure messaging (requires a DSM account), or through a fee agent.
- Contact the Virtual Contact Center 800-478-7778 (TDD/Alaska Relay: 7-1-1) and apply for benefits over the phone
- See our Contact Us page for more information.
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Senior Benefits Fact Sheet
The Senior Benefits Program was established on August 1, 2007. It pays cash benefits to Alaskan seniors who are age 65 or older and have low to moderate income. Cash payments are $76, $175, or $250 each month depending on income. The income limits for each payment level are tied to the Alaska Federal Poverty Guidelines and change each year as the poverty level changes.
To be eligible for Senior Benefits, an individual must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be age 65 or older
- Be an Alaska resident
- Be a U.S. citizen or Qualified Alien
- Have a Social Security Number or proof that one has been applied for
- Have countable income that does not exceed the income limits
Resources, such as savings, do not count for Senior Benefits.
Payment Amounts
- Eligibility and payment amounts are based on gross annual income.
Current income limits and payment amounts
2024 income limits and payment amounts
Other Resources that might be helpful:
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