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Webpage updated October 2024

Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) - web banner showing healthy lifestyles and data symbols.


The BRFSS questionnaire covers such topics as health status, health care access, chronic conditions, oral health, nutrition, physical activity, diabetes, tobacco use, alcohol use, marijuana use, demographics, cancer diagnosis and screening, injury prevention, and more.


The BRFSS questionnaire is comprised of three parts: 1) a core set of questions, 2) optional modules, and 3) state-added questions. The core section of the survey (the “core”) is consistent across all states and includes demographic and health questions prescribed by the CDC. Core questions may be asked annually or rotated. Optional modules are sets of CDC-supported questions on a specific topic that can be selected by individual states. They cannot be modified. States may also choose to design their own state-added questions.

In Alaska, optional modules and state-added questions are proposed and paid for by partners and chosen by a committee of epidemiologists in late summer to early fall each year. The core, optional modules, and state-added questions are year-specific, and may change each calendar year.

Alaska BRFSS Questionnaires

BRFSS Questionnaires older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website

Please contact Alaska BRFSS staff at to request additional questionnaires. Annual CDC questionnaires, including the core and optional modules, are available on the CDC website. Optional modules chosen by each state and territory is also available.


To learn more about the question proposal process and due dates, please subscribe to the Alaska BRFSS listserv or contact Alaska BRFSS staff at