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Provider Resources and Guidance

*Suspected or confirmed active tuberculosis disease is a reportable condition in Alaska.*

Cases should be reported to the Alaska TB Program within 2 business days. Please call the Section of Epidemiology at 907-269-8000, or complete the appropriate report form and fax to 907-561-4239.



The USPSTF recommends screening for latent TB infection (LTBI) in populations at increased risk. Finding and treating patients with LTBI is key to controlling the TB epidemic.

Alaska Specific Guidance:

Testing Guidelines

IGRA (blood) testing is now approved for all persons>2 years of age and has some advantages over TST (skin test), especially in foreign-born persons who may have received BCG vaccination in the past.

Tuberculosis Infection (TBI), also known as Latent TB Infection (LTBI)

Active Tuberculosis Disease

Additional Resources