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​​The Alaska Primary Care Office requests that all facility sites serving vulnerable populations complete Provider Surveys.

Why it’s important: Accurate provider information is critically important because it determines the designation of health professional shortage areas (HPSAs). HPSA desginations and scores determine eleigibility of certain federal workforce programs such as National Health Service Corps (NHSC), Nurse Corps or Alaska's State Loan Repayment Programs/ SHARP.

Alaska Primary Care, Dental, and Mental Health Provider Survey: Complete the Primary Care Office Survey for each provider in your practice.

Alaska Primary Care Programs


Address health care access and workforce disparities that exist in Alaska through the expansion of new access points, the support of existing health centers, coordination of health professional shortage area designations, coordination of loan repayment programs, and regular updating of statewide primary care needs assessment and sharing of data.


The Primary Care Office’s goals include:

  • Technical Assistance to Organizations/Communities Wishing to Expand Access to Primary Care for Underserved Populations, which incorporates the following:
    • coordination of the National Health Service Corps Program (NHSC);
    • Provider Recruitment and Retention;
    • collaboration in Health Center Planning and Development;
    • collaboration with other Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Partners and Organizations to Support Access to Primary Care Services.
    • Documents older than 25 months can be found on the State of Alaska Library Archives website.
  • Shortage Designation Coordination including developing applications for Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) and Medically Underserved Areas/ Populations (MUA/P).


Judy Holland, Primary Care Office Program Manager