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Creating change that improves the lives of Alaskans with disabilities
CISS | Employment | Executive | ICC | Legislative | SEAP | SESA | SAL

Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Council serves as the Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities which advises and assists Alaska's statewide Early Intervention/Infant Learning Program.

Functions of the ICC:

  • To Advise and Assist the Part C Lead Agency
  • Identify sources of fiscal and other support for services for early intervention programs, assignment of financial responsibility to the appropriate agency, and the promotion of interagency agreements.
  • Prepare applications and amendments regarding the transition of toddlers with disabilities to preschool and other appropriate services; and
  • Prepare and submit an annual report to the Governor and to the Secretary of the Office of Special Education Programs on the status of early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families operated within the State.

Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Council also serves as Alaska’s Special Education Advisory Panel which advises and assists Alaska's statewide Special Education program administered through the Department of Education & Early Development.

Although the SEAP is responsible for advising the DEED, many stakeholders contribute to the recommendations about new and ongoing efforts to provide exemplary services for students with disabilities. Some of the stakeholders who provide feedback include Alaska parent information centers, the Special Education Advisory Panel, University of Alaska, parents, and all of Alaska’s 59 school districts and educational service agencies.

Special Education Service Agency (SESA)

Members of the Council act as the governing board for the Special Education Service Agency (SESA). SESA is a statewide resource and referral service that includes a lending library for low-incidence disabilities services. Low-incidence disabilities include autism, hearing impairment, vision impairment, emotional disabilities, and multiple disabilities. SESA works with the Governor's Council on the Alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC).

Standing Committees

Standing committees accomplish much of the Council's day-to-day work. Each committee is chaired by a Council member. Members include Council members, agency staff, and public members who are consumers and/or providers of services.

Community Inclusion, Supports, and Services (CISS)

People with developmental disabilities will have increased access to a flexible system of meaningful supports and services in their homes and communities to increase the number of people with developmental disabilities living the lives they choose.

Employment (EMP)

People with developmental disabilities will have access to supports, services, programs, and training necessary for successful transitions to adulthood, meaningful work experiences, integrated and competitive employment, as well as career development, across the lifespan.

Executive (EX)

The Executive Committee exercises full authority to act on behalf of the Council between regularly scheduled Council meetings. The Committee prepares the Council meeting calendar, determines the time and place of meetings, and assists the Chair and the Executive Director in the preparation of Council agendas. The Executive Committee supervises and evaluates the Executive Director, oversees the implementation of the Council work plan, and assures that the Council fulfills its duties and responsibilities as described in the policies and procedures manual.

Legislative (LC)

The Legislative Committee (LC), with consent of the Executive Committee represents the Council’s legislative priorities before the Alaska Legislature, Administration, and Governor's office. The LC works with the Executive Committee to furnish the legislative priorities and agenda for the Council. The LC requests and reviews legislation to determine the effect of the proposed legislation on people with disabilities or students in special education, monitors the progress of legislation, and notifies the Council chair of hearings and deadlines for comment on regulations and proposed legislation that are relevant to the Council. As directed by the Executive Committee, the LC prepares proposals to change present laws and assists the Executive Committee in the preparations and submittal of reports to the Legislature. ​

Self-Advocacy and Leadership (SAL)

People with developmental disabilities will have increased access to education, tools, and opportunities for self-advocacy across the lifespan to increase the number of people with developmental disabilities expressing their vision for their lives in local, state, and national forums.

Interested in Attending a Council or Committee Meetings?

To view up-to-date listings of GCDSE meetings and how to participate, view meeting details through the Online Public Notices.

Upcoming Meetings

Past Meetings

For information about a committee, to be added to an email list, or to receive Zoom meeting links and telephone "call-in" details, please contact the GCDSE staff via email at:

Or by calling GCDSE staff:
Toll Free: 1-888-269-8990
Phone: 907-269-8990